Sherlockit Portuguese Data Check
What is Sherlockit?
Sherlockit is a portal created by Datafields. This product is dedicated to provide timely business intelligence on Portugal related data.
risk assessment
Make an efficient risk assessment with SherlockIT. The most complete and updated data set on companies and people.
insolvencies and bankruptcies
Easily find information about insolvencies, bankruptcies or liquidations in Portugal in SherlockIT.
company filings
Find information about companies, office bearers and other Portugal corporate filings from SherlockIT.
Easy access - free trial
Access the portal in any place and any time, with your computer, tablet or smartphone. Try the portal for free - just register your account and get immediate access.
Frequently asked questions
Absolutely! We want our clients to know how valuable the portal is so we make it as easy as possible for you to experiment SherlockIT. Just register for an account and get your free trial.
Yes. Anyone can register an account in the portal. To create your free account just sign up here.
There are different plans available. To find out which suits you best, sign up for your free trial and check the options available.
SherlockIT is a searchable database of collated court processes or daily cause list from Portugal civil and commercial courts. The portal contains data related to bankruptcy, civil litigations B2B litigations, B2C litigations etc., available on an easy to searchable format.
We provide a single portal research tool to identify insolvency and bankruptcy and litigation history of publicly available information of individuals and companies.
Find out more about the portal and register for your free account in SherlockIT.