Following the death of his mother in 1802, he decided to prepare for missionary work. Morrison divided his time between official duties with the EIC, by which he supported himself, and and his missionary and literary work. About the same time the East India Company undertook the cost of printing Morrison's Chinese Dictionary. In 1953 the name Morrison Academy was adopted in honor of Robert Morrison, the first Protestant missionary in China. Figure.1 Robert Morrison 3-1. He did not, however, go to China with false expectations; when asked by a shipping agent shortly before his arrival in China, ‘Do you really expect you can make an impression on the great Chinese empire?’, Morrison answered, ‘No Sir, I expect God will!’ 2. On Morrison's visit to England, he had been able to leave a Chinese native teacher, Liang Fa, one of Milne's converts, to carry on what work he could among the people. 5 March 1811, died on the same day), Mary Rebecca Morrison (b. July 1812), and John Robert Morrison (b. Robert Morris Health – Pastor Robert Morris Surgery. His name was Robert Morrison. On the contrary, he readily conceded its defects. Some uniform system must be adopted, otherwise endless confusion will ensue. London: S. McDowall, 1825. Clouds were gathering, which were to break in a few years' time. Boxer Tommy Morrison | Photo by: The Ring Magazine via Getty Images. The station would be within reach of the Chinese coast, and Chinese missionaries might be trained there whose entrance into China would not excite the same suspicions that attached to the movements of English people. In Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China Christopher Daily offers a fresh account to supplement the growing number of studies treating China’s first protestant missionary, the Presbyterian minister Robert Morrison (1782-1834). Morrison and Milne translated the Old Testament together; and although Morrison had the advantage of a far more intimate knowledge of the language, and was thus able to revise the work of his colleague, Milne also had made remarkable progress in his mastery of Chinese. But Mr Morrison's visit is not just about business. The only ships sailing for China belong to the East India Company, and it is the Company's policy not to carry missionaries. He replied that if he had been younger he would have "devoted the rest of his days to the propagation of the gospel in China". Soon he wanted to become a missionary and in 1801, he started learning Latin, Greek Hebrew[7] as well as systematic theology and shorthand from the Rev. The machinery of the Chinese criminal tribunal was set in motion when the Chinese authorities read some of his printed works. A settlement having now been established, under British protection, and in the midst of those islands which are inhabited by a large Malay and Chinese population, reinforcements were sent out from England. In recognition of his work as lexicographer and translator, the University of Glasgow conferred its D.D. His only daughter was married to Benjamin Hobson, a medical missionary in 1847. He was born in Northumberland, England, the son of James Morrison, a member of Scottish Presbyterian Church. The first protestant missionary to China, Certain Roman Catholic natives such as Abel Yun were found willing to impart to him as much of the Mandarin Chinese as they could but he soon found that the knowledge of this did not enable him to understand, or make himself understood by, the common people; and he had not come to China simply to translate the Scriptures into the speech of a comparatively small aristocratic class.[9]. Letters from England came but seldom. So far as the food was concerned, he could not live on it in health; and as for the dress, it only served to render him the more unusual, and to attract attention where he was anxious to avoid publicity. Robert wrote to a friend urging him to become his colleague in his new work, I wish I could persuade you to accompany me. In 1832 Morrison could write: There is now in Canton a state of society, in respect of Chinese, totally different from what I found in 1807. He regularly attended church on Sundays, visited the sick with the "Friendless Poor and Sick Society", and in his spare time during the week instructed poor children. Morrison masterminded translation and production of the first Chinese Bible and a … Morrison prepared his last sermon in June 1834 on the text, "In my Father's house are many mansions." He translated the book of Acts into Chinese, and was overcharged to the extent of thirty pounds for the printing of a thousand copies. Morrison fell ill and returned to Macau on 1 June 1808. Townsend, W. J. Robert Morrison: The Pioneer of Chinese Missions. After twenty-five years of work he translated the whole Bible into the Chinese language and baptized ten Chinese believers. Most gave discouraging replies, giving such reasons as the cost and "utter impossibility" of spreading the books inside China. London: T & T Clark, 2008. From the English residents at Macau, Morrison received no assistance either for they feared lest, if any complications arose through Morrison, their commercial interests might be prejudiced. Then Morrison translated the Gospel of Luke, and printed it. While waiting to find a male colleague to go with him to China, he studied language for one year with a Chinese scholar living in England. Little progress had been made with it. Robert Morrison: The Birth of Chinese Protestantism is a brief, accessible life of the pioneer Protestant missionary, Robert Morrison (1782-1834), who arrived in China in 1807. Morrison Building is a declared monument of Hong Kong. Truc Ly 4/22/18 Stages of Grieg in Toni Morrison's "Beloved" Everyone in this world has experienced some form of grief in their lifetime, from losing a family member or a pet, to simply a sad event. He was entering his last illness, and his solitude was great, for his wife and family had been ordered to England. They were married in 1768. Morrison acknowledged the imperfection of this man's knowledge and did not mention his own role in Cai's baptism until much later, but he claimed to rely on the words "If thou believest with all thy heart!" Historian Dane Morrison stands in front of Boston's Custom House, where in the 1800s goods from China that had been hauled off ships were weighed on … there. Scott Morrison is the first Australian prime minister to receive a state dinner since John Howard in 2006. One of the Directors of the East India Company also bequeathed to Morrison $1000 for the propagation of the Christian religion. The Chinese, he found, did not dislike and suspect Americans as much as they did the English. Robert Morrison, a British Protestant missionary who had been the first missionary to arrive in China in 1807, had been translating the Scripture and had compiled a Chinese-English dictionary. They soon learned that a mutiny had broken out among the seamen, who were wretchedly paid, and who had taken possession of the forepart of the vessel, with the intention of turning the cannon there against the officers of the ship. By C. P. Hallihan Morrison had amassed "the most comprehensive library of Chinese literature in Europe" which formed the core of his The Language Institution in Bartlett's Building, London. Read the story The perils of their position, as well as its solitude, seem to have greatly and painfully affected Mary. They were married in 1768. Following ordination in January 1807, he sailed for China by way of North America. At age three, Robert and his family moved to Newcastle where his father found more prosperous work in the shoe trade. 1860 US census at Wayne, Adams, Ohio Robert Morrison aged 75 born abt 1785 in Ireland, Male, Post Office Stouts, with Phebe Morrison aged 67, Matilda Morrison aged 25 and Elizabeth McMiller aged 16. The facts did not look favorable for the prosperity of Christianity in China. Milne, William. War would come later, and might would be on the side of England, and right on the side of China. ... 1958 China Doll (associate producer) 1956 Man in the Vault (producer) 1956 Gun the Man Down (producer) 1956 7 Men from Now (producer) Hide Show Second Unit Director or Assistant Director (3 credits) 1953 Hondo (second assistant director - uncredited) Just as they were about to begin their simple service, a note was brought to them to say that Mr. and Mrs. William Milne had landed. MACAO: Printed at the Honorable the East India Company's Press by P.P. Malacca had this advantage, that it lay between India and China, and commanded means of transport to almost any part of China and the adjoining archipelago. Morrison was 39. All his assistants would render themselves liable to various severe forms of punishment. It was the oldest building in the Hoh Fuk Tong Centre located at Castle Peak Road, San Hui, Tuen Mun, the New Territories. Uganda Sze Pui KWAN, "From Print to Spin, The Print and Portraitures of Robert Morrison," in The Journal of the Chinese Studies, No. Morrison was ordained in London on 8 January 1807 at the Scotch church on Swallow Street and was eager to go to China. In a corner of the tranquil Protestant Cemetery in Macau lies the grave of Robert Morrison, recognised as the first Protestant missionary to China. The sea between Macau and Canton was full of pirates, and the Morrisons had to make many anxious voyages. He was the son of James Morrison, a Scottish farm laborer and Hannah Nicholson, an English woman, who were both active members of the Church of Scotland. However, when Morrison was asked shortly after his arrival in China if he expected to have any spiritual impact on the Chinese, he answered, "No sir, but I expect God will!"[6]. It pleased God to reveal his Son in me, and at that time I experienced much of the "kindness of youth and the love of espousals." This was, to build at Malacca what he called an "Anglo-Chinese College". His magnum opus was his three-volume Chinese-English dictionary (1815-1823). Milne received the support of the English Governor at Malacca. for Perth, in a Government report on the condition of Malacca, singled out this institution for very high praise on account of its thoroughly sound, quiet, and efficient work. A pocket Testament could be carried about without difficulty. The chief of the American factory at Canton offered the missionary for the present a room in his house; and there he was most thankful to establish himself, and think over the situation. When 2020 began, you probably didn’t think there would be a ban on travel to China or the rest of the world. during which period he compiled and published Copies were sent to all the Church of England bishops and the new mission agencies. New York: George H. Doran, 1924. But there is also a point in the Morrison approach which says to China, ‘Look, we won’t name you.’ Maybe the view is ‘if you started playing a little nicer with us, we won’t do that’.” He spent a total of 27 years in China, much of it alone. Morrison was aware of the dangers. This article was researched and written by Connie Yang (Class of 2003) while she was a sixth grader at the Bethany Campus located in Taipei. In 2007 Chinese Church commemorated splendidly the 200th anniversary of his mission in China. The missionaries had to be many-sided, now preaching to the Malays, now to the Chinese, now to the English population; now setting up types, now teaching in the schools; now evangelizing new districts and neighbouring islands, now gathering together their little congregations at their own settlement. Morrison Translating the Bible,” 1830 Mary Morrison was ordered to England, and she sailed with her two children, and for six years her husband was to toil on in solitude. Fortunately he had mastered Mandarin and Cantonese during this period. By Rob September 10, 2018 Robert Morrison (1782-1834) was a Presbyterian missionary to China. He attempted to teach three Chinese boys who lived on the streets in an attempt to help both them and his own language skills. [11] They had three children: James Morrison (b. From his diary the following was noted: At a spring of water, issuing from the foot of a lofty hill, by the sea-side, away from human observation, I baptised him in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... May he be the first fruits of a great harvest. Another accomplishment of Morrison's, in which he proved himself a pioneer, was his establishment of a public dispensary at Macau in 1820, where native diseases might be treated more humanely and effectively than was customary in China. Morrison was born in Buller’s Green, Morpeth, Northumberland, England, and grew up at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. China was still as impervious as ever to European and Christian influence; but the amount of solid literary work accomplished was immense. Only 10 converts were baptized during the 27 years of his service in China, but each proved faithful. Reflecting on new life in America on the joyous Sinatra soul of Moondance (1970) and the country inflected Tupelo Honey (1971) he summoned old spiritual and ancestral life in the epic St Dominic’s Preview (1972) closer track Listen To The Lion. This piece concerns my search for the source (not of the Nile…) but rather of the recently celebrated, and supposedly Napoleonic remark, “Let China sleep. 1807 - First Protestant missionary to China, Robert Morrison, begins work in Guangzhou (formerly called Canton) 1808 - London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews founded 1809 - National Bible Society of Scotland organized A Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission to China: (Now, in Connection with the Malay, Denominated the Ultra-Ganges Missions) Accompanied with Miscellaneous Remarks on the Literature, History, and Mythology of China &C. Malacca: Printed at the Anglo-Chinese Press, 1820. He came across a manuscript of most of the New Testament translated into Chinese (probably by earlier Jesuit missionaries) in the British Museum. Toni Morrison joined the faculty of Princeton University in 1989 as the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities. “Dr. Changes in the East India Company had brought him into contact with new officials, some of whom had not the slightest respect for the calling of the missionary, and were inclined to assume a high hand, until Morrison's threat to resign induced a more respectful temper. Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison, 2 vols. The Tartars, and some people of the northern provinces, lengthen and soften the short tone; mnh becomes тоо. The next day he was interviewed by the board and accepted at once without a second interview. Mentor of Liang Fa, China’s first evangelist. "Robert Morrison was born in County Antrim November 29, 1782. The years 1824 and 1825 were spent by Morrison in England, where he presented his Chinese Bible to King George IV, and was received by all classes with great demonstrations of respect. Owing to the tutors available to him, his transcriptions were based on Nanjing Mandarin rather than the Beijing dialect. Partridge & Co, 1888. This article is reprinted from Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, Macmillan Reference USA, copyright © 1998 Gerald H. Anderson, by permission of Macmillan Reference USA, New York, NY. Morrison’s wife died in 1821, and he returned to Great Britain in 1823 with a collection of several thousand Chinese books, which were eventually deposited with University College, London. 2d. This meant that his tonal markings were those of Middle Chinese rather than those actually spoken in his age. A foreigner dressed up in Chinese clothes excited suspicions, as one who was endeavoring by stealth to insinuate himself into Chinese society, so as to introduce his contraband religion surreptitiously. He effectively passed himself off as an American. After twenty-five years of work he translated the whole Bible into the Chinese language and baptized ten Chinese believers, including Cai Gao, Liang Fa, and Wat Ngong. Read More About Me Here At the ages of fourteen and fifteen, I listened heavily to the Doors, I read Jim Morrison's poetry, and I read his biography, No One Here Gets Out Alive. Robert Morrison, FRS (5 January 1782 – 1 August 1834), was an Anglo[2]-Scottish[3] Protestant missionary to Portuguese Macao, Qing-era Guangdong, and Dutch Malacca, who was also a pioneering sinologist, lexicographer, and translator considered the "Father of Anglo-Chinese Literature". He envisaged a triennial missionary conference. At first they did not get on well together. Morrison was born on 5 January 1782 in Bullers Green, near Morpeth, Northumberland, England. In 1826 the Morrisons returned to Canton, where Robert died eight years later. Robert Morrison, the first Protestant missionary to China. Milne was the president; and while no student was compelled to declare himself a Christian, or to attend Christian worship, it was hoped that the strong Christian influence would lead many of the purely literary students to become teachers of Christianity. Robert Morrison: The Scholar and the Man. Morrison strongly disapproved of much of the correspondence which it fell to his lot to conduct with the native mandarins. Robert was the youngest son of eight children. The fear of death compassed me about and I was led nightly to cry to God that he would pardon my sin, that he would grant me an interest in the Savior, and that he would renew me in the spirit of my mind. He left a family of six surviving children, two by his first wife, and four by his second. 63-121. He became a minister in London on January 8, 1807 and was ready to go to China. Persevering against the hostility of official opposition and the resistance of foreign merchants, Morrison baptized the first Chinese Protestant Christian, Cai Gao, on July 16, 1814. I have served my generation, and must the Lord know when I fall asleep. The proposal was warmly taken up. Pastor Robert began to have extreme abdominal pain, and the doctor discovered he had a double hernia. Chinese Miscellany. In the public domain, and available at:, The additional article below is provided with permission from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Dictionary of African Christian Biography, A People’s History of the School of Theology, Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison, The former edition had been inconveniently large; and especially in the case of a book that was likely to be seized and destroyed by hostile authorities, this was a serious matter. degree on him in 1817. He died at his residence: Number six at the Danish Hong in Canton (Guangzhou) at the age of 52 in his son's arms. Morrison pioneered the translation of the Bible into Chinese and planned for the distribution of the Scriptures as broadly as possible, unlike the previous Roman Catholic translation work that had never been published. Broomhall, Marshall. His utter loneliness oppressed him. Chinese scholars, missionary students, English presses and Chinese Scriptures, with public worship of God, have all grown up since that period. During these early months his trials and discouragements were great. In this year Morrison baptized the first convert on 14 May 1814 (seven years after his arrival). The building was erected and opened. I did not know Morrison or any of those involved in his life or death, but I did live thru that era, as a teen. His years in China were marked by constant tension with a government that discouraged its people from contact with foreigners. The Bible Society voted two grants of £500 each towards the cost of printing the New Testament. By. Today’s China unquestionably has the lure of markets and trade and the associated promise of wealth that go with them. Meet the boy turned missionary and part of your Christian heritage: Dr. Robert Morrison (1782-1834) was an Anglo – Scottish evangelist and the first Christian Protestant missionary in China. The people were constantly persuaded to expend their all on Traditional Chinese medicine he considered useless. Before returning to his missionary labours he was married again, in November 1824 to Eliza Armstrong, with whom he had five more children. [7] For a couple of years he kept company in disregard of his Christian upbringing and fell occasionally into drunkenness. The journey took him through many cities and country districts, and introduced him to some novel aspects of Chinese life and character. After his mother's death in 1804, he joined the London Missionary Society. He was kindly received, but he needed a bold heart to bear up, without discouragement, under their frank announcement of the apparently hopeless obstacles in the way of the accomplishment of his mission. Yea saith the Spirit Among them came Morrison, with his precious luggage of manuscripts and books. There is much at stake, and he now needs to find a diplomatic way out. The reports do not greatly vary from year to year. He had applied to the Society in a letter dated 27 May 1804, offering himself for missionary service. China's rise will inevitably bring the United States' unipolar moment to an end. _____. One move in the war with France, which England was waging at this time, was that an English squadron bore down on Macau, to prevent the French from striking a blow at English trade. However, Morrison persevered and because of his faculty with the Chinese language, the East India Company (yes, the same East India Company that wouldn’t take him to China) hired him as a translator in 1809. English Governors were resident, and consequently it seemed a promising field for the establishment of a mission station. The new Mrs. Morrison and the children of his first marriage returned with him to China in 1826. After a period in Malacca they were sent on from there to various centers: Penang, Java, Singapore, Amboyna, wherever they could find a footing and establish relations with the people. Other native Christians were baptized; and the little Church grew, while at the same time it was well known that many believed in secret, who did not dare to challenge persecution and ostracism by public confession. Morrison said implementation of the emergency plan did not mean people would be stopped from going about their normal business. cheerfully spent in extending the kingdom of the blessed Redeemer After studies in theology and Chinese, Morrison was ordained in 1807 and was immediately sent by the society to Canton. Interviewed by the government to teach missionaries ’ net worth information is being updated moving to having mass of... Can find additional information in the garden in quiet meditation and prayer the Robert F. Goheen in! First to America the Society in a letter dated 27 May 1804, he was born in Morpeth,,! Illness, and his family moved to Newcastle where his father as a secondary school for Chinese and wrote tracts! Way to Macau. [ 11 ] they had three children: James (. And life 2:2 ( 2016 ), 473-74 to take him in Morrison began the language in. His uncle James Nicholson into apprenticeship and later joined the Presbyterian church Princeton... 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