Oh My God. You must be logged in to comment. Avoid diving carries if she's nearby, since she can break your shield and R you to lock you down. Join the leading League of Legends community. - You usually take the assassin normally but you can adapt, you take Duskblade of Draktharr when there are squishy champions against you such as mages and adc's. It's generally only worth it if you have a blue buff or at least a. Epic monsters like Baron and Dragon are not disabled by this spell. Best Nocturne Build for Patch 11.7 from Pros playing in the LCS, LEC, LCK or LPL. Whenever you both have ult, just press R on the same target and they'll be sitting there helpless while you kill them for free. Nocturne can't really frontline or peel well for his ADC friends, so it's helpful to have an ADC who can sit back and offer long range utility before endangering themselves. Use R to counter-gank when she commits her R on one of your allies. Please email support if you cannot access your account. Don't ult him unless his Leap is on cooldown. If you have a, Fearing the large monster in a jungle camp will lower the damage you take while jungling, but it's mana-intensive. Sends a shadow blade in the target direction a leaves a trail along which the blade travels. Kassadin can engage on any enemy for guaranteed damage (usually 1/3 of the target's HP) and you can easily finish them off with your ultimate. How many enemies are missing? Please register to post and access all features, it's quick, easy and FREE! Stand on the trail whenever you're clearing jungle camps, pushing minion waves or hitting towers. Beliebtheit, Winrate, die besten Items und Spells. You also have a much stronger spike at 6 since he doesn't have an ultimate. Faster scouting, tier lists, and counter tips during drafting and in game. We've taken Nocturne players' first few item purchases from the store and filtered the groups of purchases down to ones that are relevant. Morde has strong, safe split-pushing and he's also pretty decent in team fights. You cant 1v1 Olaf since he has a 1v1 potential better than you with his insane lifesteal, also his ultimate can ignore your fear, if you want a chance at 1v1ing him take ignite. Take account of your target's mobility spells, CCs and knockbacks. He has the sticking power to kill you and his Q is really low cooldown so your shield won't save you 1v1. some physical skill are hp-based like heatwave, deathbound so more hp pushes its damage up. His R's movement speed boost is also pretty useless if you're ulting in anyway. Irelia is kinda like Yasuo in that she tends to play really aggressively (especially if she's mid) and you can't support her very well early. The main way to make this combo work is to have strong magic damage threats elsewhere in your team, and Zed needs to split-push to prevent the enemy team from grouping. It's easier to maintain the tether during an allied CC spell. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Team Rankings. You can all-in him early, but once he has some armor he's much harder to fight. … If possible I'd look for a different support. Build guides for Nocturne on ProGuides. You can only block one of his Rs and it's hard to predict the timing. Try to block crowd control or high damage spells when possible. In order to win 1v1, catch them facechecking or use Flash advantage to prevent them from kiting you. I would say that a decision regarding how to build your hero should be based on how you're going to build the demons you'll use in combat. Ahri can catch enemies and chunk them for you to finish off, and she's pretty independent in lane so you won't need to help her much early. This champ just becomes unkillable for you. If your team has a good peel support like Janna, Lulu or Tahm Kench, this pick can work out really well. Pre-6 she's a weak duelist so you should be able to win 1v1s. Annie provides reliable Crowd Control and a fairly stable laning phase. If the teams are split, you're at an advantage due to your R. The only downside of this combo is that Malphite is weak to lane counterpicks and you won't be able to help him much early. The main weakness here is he doesn't have safe waveclear, so you might run into problems stalling games if you fall behind. You cant really 1v1 him late game since he will be tanky, unless you build crit, but you can win midgame fights. only for tde route. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. If you're worried about him getting strong mid-game, buy Executioner's Calling to mitigate his W healing. Rakan is a pretty safe laner he should be able to hold his own until you can get your ult. You don't have a fast way to interrupt his channels which makes this matchup difficult. +10% Attack Speed This means you can break an enemy spell shield with the first cast and then engage on them with the second cast. He doesn't scale well, so if he can't get super strong early, you can carry through ganks in the early-mid game. This matchup can swing wildly depending on who gets fed first. While he can be annoying by protecting his teammates in group fights, you can win by outfarming him and killing him early by blocking his Q. Following the trail will allow Nocturne to be ghosted and will grant him bonus Movement Speed and attack damage Gragas players these days are building him pretty squishy, and his R is really obvious and easy to block. Pick Rate 0.96%. Please leave a like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more of these! Zac players often like ganking mid. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. You and shen can also ult together, almost every global ult works with nocturne, really great synergy. Steam login has been removed. The reason for this is that Baron can be used to help your team take down inhibitors, but inhibitors don't provide as much pressure for your team to easily take Baron. League of Legends Beschwörer Ranglisten, Statistiken, Fähigkeiten, Item-Builds, Champion Stats. Loading × You need Login to comment. Sign Up! His presence on your team often results in full physical damage compositions and he's not great at team fighting or waveclearing. While on the trail, Nocturne can move through units and has increased Movement Speed and Attack Damage.Nocturne throws a shadow blade that deals 60/105/150/195/240 (+75% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and leaves a Dusk Trail for 5 seconds. its main use is low mp cost for 250% phy damage on one target and you also save one physical skill hp cost. Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. Spell shields will block the initial cast of the spell but not the Flee effect if the target is already tethered. A single attack in a large minion wave can help you heal up after a gank. very useful to kill mara in one turn. Even 1 or 2 hits on your target can be enough extra damage to get the kill. She doesn't scale well into 5v5s so it'll be a battle of who can carry harder early/mid game. The only downside to this combo is you can't help her get pre-6 kills very easily. If you contested the scuttle near your Blue, you can clear Blue, Wolves and Gromp afterwards, then Recall and head to your Krugs for a full clear. Nocturne Guide [DPS] You last visited: Today at 01:41. His high waveclear can buy you time in even or losing games where you need some time to farm before you lose all your towers. Great synergy whether he's top lane or support. Which are the hardest? Please email support if you cannot access your account. Win Rate 58%. Three different types of plants will spawn in the jungle and river. :). You can use your W to tank the snowball for your squishier teammates if he's engaging. While proximity to the objective can affect your decision, I usually go for Dragons over towers to continue my team's progress towards Dragon Soul and deny a Dragon from the enemy. The dusk trail is visible through stealth and fog of war. Sion can be pretty helpful since he provides a frontline and can function as a decent splitpusher or an engage tank. before working on final versions of other items that show up in the item builds. Following the trail will allow Nocturne to be ghosted and will grant him bonus Movement Speed and attack damage. He can deal insane amount of damage but your fear stays on him while he is using Q so you can outplay him easily. The global vision reduction can prevent the enemy team from coordinating when team fighting near brushes. Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2 > 06/03/2011, 13:48 #1. Nocturne Guide [DPS] Discussion on Nocturne Guide [DPS] within the League of Legends Guides & Strategies forum part of the League of Legends category. Similar to Lulu, Zilean can help you survive, and by having one on your team the enemy won't be able to pick him to counter your burst. Tibbers is also another body in team fights than can help relieve pressure off of you when you're diving the backline. Bruiser Shyvana is much harder to deal with if she gets farmed, since she can out-tank and out-DPS you. Language . +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) 32 games. If you can avoid dying to him early and make it to level 6, you can countergank him effectively or pull off your own ganks with ult. Nocturne works well as a followup to allies who can lock down enemies for him to finish off and can support his team through map pressure once he unlocks Paranoia. Use the Nocturne guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. Language. The dash cannot be interrupted by CC, but you may still be CCd upon arrival if the duration of the CC is long enough. Your laner(s) have to recall to buy/heal/refill mana and you don't have time to do dragon (usually early ganks while respawn timers are low). Blocking an ability will double the Passive bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Surviving enemies can still pressure you off Dragon, but can't clear the wave. Malzahar's has one of the best single-target lockdown spells in the game and basically forces every enemy to buy QSS or be helpless against your two ultimates. How easily can the enemy jungler escape or engage? The only downside here is you can't take advantage of his early gank reception as well as other junglers, but once you have your ult you should be able to pick up some easy kills in the bot lane. Start Q and focus the large wolf, casting Q twice on the first camp. 4. Watch out for level 2 invades on your 2nd camp; you might want to save your ward to spot that. He provides so much disruption that he can serve as your team's primary engage and buy you some time to kill a priority target without being focused down. 1. He can't burst you and he doesn't have escapes other than running away with R, so your fear is a good deterrent. If he eventually gets armor items, try not to waste time chasing him and go for his teammates instead. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Alistar offers both frontline and engage, both of which Nocturne sorely lacks. This champ kinda sucks as a jungler right now, so he's pretty easy to fight. Use ult to countergank him or snowball elsewhere. Fizz's ultimate virtually guarantees a kill on any target it hits if you focus the same one. You can use your spell shield to block dangerous skillshots (. 3. Your best bet is to get picks when he's absent. Olaf can stat-check you even if you play the 1v1 perfectly, and post-6 he can ignore your fear. Guide by UncleAlek Last update at Aug 30th 2014, 10:02. Talon (usually in mid) usually doesn't need your help to kill his targets and doesn't really offer much setup for you. Patch 11.7 This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Not an ideal pairing. second turning point. Just focus on killing his team and using wards to prevent him from ganking or counter-ganking. +6 Armor. Avoid fighting him 1v1 and be wary of invades. Most 1v1s will end up in skirmishes due to the long time-to-kill. Ashe's ultimate is a super great tool to have on your team since it can lock down a target long enough for you to kill them before they can retaliate or escape. Nocturne build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. In many cases, you can safely take a tower and then retreat to take Dragon for free, but if you have to choose, Dragon is always a safe bet. You'll have trouble coming from behind if you have Talon and Nocturne on the same team and the enemies can build armor to counter both of you. 1. There is no other force on this Earth and on the Field of Justice like Nocturne. Innate: Periodically, Nocturne's next basic attack deals 20% AD bonus physical damage to the target and 120% AD physical damage to surrounding enemies, while also healing himself for 15 − 40 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) per enemy hit. She has incredibly weak ganks early and you can 1v1 her at scuttle if you block her E, so try to take control of the early game before she farms up. Nocturne also gains massively increased movement … 10% Omnivamp vs. Monsters; Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them for (60 + 30% Ability Power + 5% bonus Attack Damage + 2% bonus Health) magic damage over 5 seconds. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Nocturne. He can often just stat-check you with his own attack speed steroid. If he's your top laner you may be lacking a real tank, so it'd be helpful to get a tanky support on your team to tank baron later in the game. +6 Armor. Twitch can be pretty effective since he can use his camouflage to ambush targets and you can back him up with your ult. Nocturne build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate. Dragon Soul is a permanent buff for your team that will give you an edge for the rest of the game. METAsrc LoL 11.7 Nocturne Jungle NA 5v5 Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters Join EarlyGame community NAW! Automatically. 1. Advertisement. This matchups depends on how successful Rek'Sai is in the early game. Since the buffs from Elder and Baron only last a few minutes, it's important for your team to use their time wisely and pressure the map as soon as possible. This combo is better than it seems on paper. His ability to quickly rotate with his ultimate also allows him … You can one-trick Nocturne if you want, but picking him every game will sometimes put you in a disadvantageous situation. You won't have direct vision, but you can track unseen targets for as long as the trail lasts. You can win at even strength as long as you block Cocoon. THE ULTIMATE ONE SHOT NOCTURNE BUILD! You can outfarm and kill him early when his alone. If you fight him pre-6, save for fear for when he's low on health, since that's when he's most dangerous. Roles. You can win if you get more picks than he can get engages with his R. You can 2v2 if you have an ally that can CC him. His Q and R can help him get on top of targets while you follow up and dive with your R. While you're not the ideal ball delivery system, you can sometimes pull off a Paranoia-Shockwave combo on grouped enemies. Xerath doesn't have the amazing utility/engage as some of the higher synergy mids but he does have some uses. METAsrc LoL 11.7 Nocturne Mid Lane KR 5v5 Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters At longer ranges you can wait until you see the ability before pressing W. When chasing an enemy, watch for their character model to turns towards you. La Pesadilla Eterna. LeBlanc's lack of safe waveclear and her strong early gank reception makes this a less than ideal pairing. Once he starts becoming hard to kill 1v1, just focus on farming & ganking his teammates since you farm faster than him and have stronger post-6 ganks. If you can ward and ping to prevent her from killing your teammates early, you have a decent 1v1 against her and your ult power spike is stronger. You'll probably need your ult and/or Flash to secure a kill on her. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Nocturne. Use the Nocturne guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. You can carry your side laners with post-6 ganks, while Vlad scales up to carry late game in case your team can't close the game. 39 % 36 % Nocturne Runes. 1. That said, if you make it through the early game and can roam for picks together, this combo can be pretty deadly to enemy carries. This combo is pretty good because Volibear can deal a decent amount of magic damage and he has a lot of presence in fights. I want to receive promotions from our partners. You must be logged in to comment. Which of your lanes are most vulnerable to jungle ganks? Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Nocturne, and of course, win the game! In team fights she'll take some of the focus off of you with her R and Zhonya's. However, this requires your Twitch player to be competent and you can still get crushed in draft if the enemy has heavy dive champions, so don't assume the game's a free win just because you have a Twitch. Rengar is just the better assassins aswell he will just spam jump bushes in your jungle if he invades you, you wont be able to do more damage than him. He also helps offset your low CC and durability. Twisted Fate is really good at splitting up the enemy team since he can pressure a lane and nearly instantly teleport away. Welcome to the METAsrc Nocturne build guide. He has better ganks than you and you can block all of his CC, but you should be able to 1v1 him if you invade his jungle but he usually has better fights than you. Elder Dragon will allow you to dominate the next team fight, which will usually give you a window to end the game. Get close to enemies before casting Q when possible in order to prevent them from dodging the skillshot. Remember she can hop over walls so choose your ult timing carefully. You can block the final proc of E to keep yourself healthy. Nocturne, Dps Build dps occultism pve pvp shadowplay songcraft. Shaco players can be unpredictable, which can make them a threat in the early game. He also gains a bunch of free armor from passive and has better team fighting. +10% Attack Speed Nocturne. Lissandra offers engage, disruption and survivability that most mid laners can't match. Link Copy. In this chapter I'll cover the factors you should consider before locking in Nocturne. If you can coordinate so Shen ults you as you dash in with your ult, you'll get a shield to help you survive and Shen gets a free gap-close and can taunt your target as soon as you get close. Volatile lane that can snowball heavily in either side's favor. However, she's a bit defenseless without her ult and you can't really peel or frontline for her. You also have no knockups to help him ult. And be sure to hit the notification bell to see all our uploads Thank you!! Have I seen the enemy jungler elsewhere recently? If I run into them, can I escape? 3. Her team fighting engage/dive is great setup for you and she deals a lot of magic damage to the backline which makes it difficult for enemy carries to itemize against you both. Gain stacks of adaptive force when attacking enemy champions. Both parts of the spell can be blocked by spell shields. You can still win the game if you have mages that can deal with him, but you'll have to wait for him to commit his CC and focus his allies rather than fighting him directly. Find Nocturne builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. If your yasuo player has a negative win rate, you should probably dodge. Enemies will build armor to counter both of you if either of you is strong. A snowballing Kassadin deals a ton of magic damage and will force the enemy to build magic resist, so they won't have enough gold to counterbuild you both. Altough hard to find a situation to have fiddle on your team, maybe if hes playing mid or you are? I don't really like this pairing since Fiora really doesn't need your help to kill her lane opponent in the side lane as long as she can get to her power spikes. Active: Gains a spell shield for 1.5 seconds. If the target leaves the tether range in the last split-second of the spell, they can still be CCd. Don't dive into his team if he has his ult up or you'll be locked down and killed. Strong engage supports are great for setting up kills on the enemy bottom lane. The global vision reduction can prevent the enemy team has strong, safe split-pushing and he 's hard kill! This section shows Nocturne item builds filtered down to who has better team fighting near brushes:... 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