keep on. "Keep your opinions to yourself" means do not share your opinions. It's like a fever, burning deeper. OK, children, the things in this museum are very fragile, so keep your hands to yourselves! put off-4.6%. Runnin' faster than a runaway train. Just keep your hands to yourself or take me home. I got a little change in my pocket Going jing-a-ling-a-ling Want to call you on the telephone Baby, a-give you a ring But each time we talk I get the same old thing Always no huggy, no kissy Until I get a wedding ring My honey, my baby Don`t put my love upon no shelf She said don`t hand me no lines And keep your hands to yourself Baby, baby, baby Why you want treat me this way You know I`m still your lover boy I … You might admonish your children "When we go inside the store, I want you all to keep your hands to yourself. What does Hands To Myself mean? If you … You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...). Leave him alone and keep your hands to yourself. Keep Your Hands to Yourself S3 E20 - YouTube. This means student [...] should not hold hands, embrace, kiss etc. The KYHTY meaning is Keep Your Hands to Yourself. I want you boys to stop fighting and keep your hands to yourselves. (Usually said imperatively.). Get "Hands To Myself" on MP3: Get MP3 from Amazon. I got a little change in my pocket going jingle lingle ling Want to call you on the telephone baby I give you a ring But each time we talk I get the same old thing Always no huggin' no kissin' until I get a wedding ring My honey my baby don't put my love upon no shelf She said don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself Cruel baby baby baby why you want to treat me this way You know I'm still your lover boy I … keep your hands to yourself definition in English dictionary, keep your hands to yourself meaning, synonyms, see also 'keep at',keep away',keep back',keep down'. Shopping. What does keep your head expression mean? I kept telling Susie to keep her hands to herself, but she just couldn't resist pulling her sister's ponytail. Por favor, mantenga sus manos y abrazos a … 10.1%. Collaborative Dictionary English-German. *LIFE SUPPORT*. Gardez vos mains dans vos poches et je n'aurai aucun problème avec ce que vous direz. If you promise to keep your hands to yourself. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. bleiben Sie, wo Sie sind!, treten Sie zurück! and thousands of other words. keep your head phrase. nouns. keen on something-3.6%. Sir, keep your hands to yourself! get your hands off me. When keep is part of a set combination, e.g. Info. … carry on, continue, endure, last, persevere, persist, prolong, remain. ; immer mit der Ruhe! Lord, Keep your hands to yourself! Keep your hands to yourself, please! "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" from Hank Williams, Jr.'s 1987 album, Born to Boogie 2 censor, conceal, hide, keep dark, keep under one's hat, reserve, suppress, withhold. Keep your hands to yourself while we are in the toy store. Synonyms for Keep Your Hands To Yourself (other words and phrases for Keep Your Hands To Yourself). 25 If you keepyourselftoyourself or keep toyourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people. This is the British English definition of keep your hands off.View American English definition of keep your hands off. Keep it to yourself, it's meant to be a surprise. können Sie ihn nicht in ein Gespräch verwickeln? seine Eltern haben ihn nicht weggelassen or gehen lassen, er will sich nur bei ihr lieb Kind machen, jdn davon abhalten, auf der Straße zu landen, er hat die ganze Nacht unaufhörlich geweint, fahren Sie immer weiter an der Kirche vorbei, sie haben ihm so lange keine Ruhe gelassen, bis er zustimmte, es ist wirklich nicht nötig, ewig darauf herumzuhacken, sich nicht in jds Angelegenheiten einmischen, sich aus jds Angelegenheiten heraushalten, this screen keeps the sun out of your eyes, diese Blende schützt Ihre Augen vor Sonne. Definition of keep your head in the Idioms Dictionary. You can look, but don’t touch. get your fucking hands off. [...] tomars e de la mano, abraza r, besar, etc. For combinations of keep with adverbs and prepositions, e.g. similar meaning - 46 Lists. Si tu promets d'être sage. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, get (one's) hands off (of) (something or someone), keep (one's) hands off (something or someone), keep (one's) paws off (something or someone), the webmaster's page for free fun content. What does keep my hands to myself expression mean? Keep your hands to yourself! This means student. Keep your hands to yourself 1. sent. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Pick the country where one or both of these well-meaning A-OK gestures are obscene. Login | Create Account. given by the English-German Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-German dictionary : translate English words into German with online dictionaries. It can be used in many different situations - for example, you have several young children with you as you're browsing through a shop that has expensive fragile items on the shelves. Hands To Myself Lyrics . The single reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 during the week of February 21, 1987, kept off the top spot by "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. You see my heart, it hides. Discover . what can we do to keep it from happening again? keep your hands off her. Definition of keep my hands to myself in the Idioms Dictionary. Do not touch things that are not yours. I couldn’t agree more-6.4%. 1 check, constrain, control, curb, delay, hold back, keep a tight rein on, limit, prohibit, restrain, restrict, retard, withhold. It does not mean you have to shut up in general. keep your hands to yourself / synonyms. antonyms. garder qch pour soi Keep this to yourself. It means, don't share your germs with me. All rights reserved. Elektra gave the band a 5-figure budget to cut an entire album of material, but despite attempting several different recordings of "Keep Your Hands to Yourself," … take on-4.0%. Log in. keep in mind, keep house, keep goal etc, look up the noun. lass die Finger {oder} Pfoten von meiner Frau! See also main entry: hand See also main entry: hand Thesaurus Trending Words. What does keep your head expression mean? . keep one's hands to (oneself) Fig. Keep your hands to yourself. The group was signed to Elektra Records after executives heard a cheaply made 8-track demo of this song. geheiligt werde dein Name. den Verkehr in Fluss or am Fließen halten, zusehen or dafür sorgen, dass jd still ist, sie haben ihn über Nacht im Krankenhaus behalten, sie musste deswegen eine Woche im Bett bleiben, ich verdiene genug für mich (selbst) zum Leben, einen Schwur halten, ein Gelübde erfüllen, das Fasten/die Sonntagsruhe or den Sabbat (ein)halten, auf der linken Seite bleiben, links fahren, dieses Fleisch hält sich nicht or bleibt nicht gut, ich bekam £ 300 pro Woche und freie Kost und Logis, in einem Gedicht muss jedes Wort seine Daseinsberechtigung haben, lass ihm so lange keine Ruhe, bis er ja sagt, jdn nicht mit einer Arbeit aufhören lassen, sie haben ihn den ganzen Tag hart rangenommen, es zieht ihn immer wieder in die Wirtschaft, keep your hand away from the cutting edge, kommen Sie mit Ihrer Hand nicht an die Schneide, er war aus geschäftlichen Gründen drei Monate weg. keep up. Keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself. Better keep your hands to yourself. Please keep your hands and hugs to yourself while at school. Hop on to get the meaning of KYHTY acronym / slang / Abbreviation. by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting | 0 comments. I got a little change in my pocket goin' jing-a-ling-a-ling Wants to call you on the telephone baby, a-give you a ring But each time we talk, I get the same old thing Always no hug-ee no kiss-ee until I get a weddin' ring My honey my baby, don't put my love upon no shelf She said don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself B-B-B-baby baby baby why you wan' treat me this way You know I'm still your lover boy I still … Copy link. Por favor, mantenga sus manos y abrazos a ti mismo en la escuela. I don't want your germs. ; Do not touch breakable things. Just don't give us your opinion, because we don't want to hear it. Jimmy! Keep your hands to yourself, I'm okay with anything that comes out of your mouth. "Keep your hands to yourself" is a common idiom that means the same thing as "don't touch!" bitte gehen Sie nicht zu nahe an den Rand, verheimlichen, verschweigen (from sb jdm), ich weiß, dass du mir etwas verheimlichst or verschweigst, they are keeping back the names of the victims, die Namen der Opfer werden nicht bekannt gegeben, keep some cheese back to sprinkle over the top, behalten Sie etwas Käse zum Darüberstreuen zurück, being with the slower learners is keeping him back, weil er mit schwächeren Schülern zusammen ist, kommt er nicht so schnell voran, der Tüchtige lässt sich nicht unterkriegen, I couldn't keep him from doing it/going there, ich konnte ihn nicht daran hindern or davon abhalten, das zu tun/dort hinzugehen, shyness keeps him from making new friends, er ist zu schüchtern, um neue Freunde zu gewinnen. You squeeze my heart, it bleeds. Esto significa que los estudiantes no deben. get into. Tagged: Figurative Language. Garde ça pour toi. Watch later. können Sie das vor Ihrer Mutter geheim halten or verbergen? If someone with a cold sneezed without covering his face, I might say, "Keep your germs to yourself!" keep your hand in definition: 1. to practise a skill often enough so that you do not lose the skill: 2. to practice a skill…. Pl ease keep your hands and hug s to yourself whil e at school. From one of our readers: I like the concept of making agreements with our children, but I need help to make an agreement with my kids for: Keeping their hands to themselves (not poking, tickling etc.) You don't want to disrupt the game by getting your hands in the way of a toss. What does keep my hands to myself expression mean? [...] should not hold hands, embrace, kiss etc. how can I keep the rabbits out/out of my garden? Parts of speech. Synonyms of the month. words. Song Released: 2015. Keep your hands to yourself. phrases. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. ., To refrain from touching someone or something. I am at a season in life where you simply touch my heart, it breaks. get your fucking hands off me. Watch the game and keep your hands to yourself. You can complete the translation of keep your hands to yourself! keep at, keep ahead, keep away, keep back, With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for keep your hands to yourself! Yea, so I couldnt find a studio version of this song so I decided to make one, enjoy ! gift. Won't you keep your hands to yourself? Esto significa que los estudiantes no deben [...] tomarse de la mano, abrazar, besar, etc. Learn more. Sie wollen nicht das Spiel stören, indem Sie Ihre Hände im Weg eines Werfens bekommen. I'm just a seeker, got my motor. Share. to keep sth to o.s. keep in, keep on, keep up etc, see also the phrasal verbs section. A book about using helpful, not hurtful, hands with your friends. Tap to unmute. was können wir tun, damit es nicht noch einmal passiert? ich kann die Nummer nicht behalten, ich kann mir die Nummer nicht merken, he wanted to keep the dog for another week, er wollte den Hund noch eine Woche (bei sich) behalten, das kannst du behalten or dir an den Hut stecken, (=maintain in a certain state, place etc). Keep your hands to yourself definition based on common meanings and most popular ways to define words related to keep your hands to yourself. Keep Your Hands to Yourself S3 E20. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. synonyms. Laissez moi tranqille avec vos mains. The Internet Slang, Chat Texting & Subculture Acronym / Slang KYHTY means... AcronymsAndSlang. The two A-OK gestures (a circle of the index finger and thumb, or a thumbs-up) that are so popular in the United States are extremely rude in many parts of the world. Keep Your Hands To Yourself. The KYHTY acronym/abbreviation definition. Behalten Sie Ihre Hände zu sich selbst! ich wollte nicht, dass er da mit hereingezogen wurde, sie haben ihn von ihren Plänen ausgeschlossen, sein Versprechen halten, zu seinem Wort stehen, den Zeitplan einhalten, sich an den Zeitplan/Plan halten, sich an die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung halten, nicht sehr gesellig sein, ein Einzelgänger sein, (mit jdm/etw) Schritt halten, (mit jdm/etw) mithalten können, they bought it just to keep up with the Joneses, sie kauften es nur, um den Nachbarn nicht nachzustehen, ich bin mit meinem Französisch ganz aus der Übung gekommen, we haven't kept up at all since she went abroad, wir haben nichts mehr voneinander gehört, seit sie im Ausland ist, [quality, prices, output, friendship, tradition, custom], ich versuche, mit meinem Spanisch nicht aus der Übung zu kommen, das Kind hat mich die ganze Nacht nicht schlafen lassen, ich bin gestern Abend ziemlich spät ins Bett gekommen, Translation English - German Collins Dictionary, English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-German translations from our dictionary. examples. Selena Gomez: Hands To Myself Meaning. "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" is a song by the American southern rock group The Georgia Satellites. By Mrs. Zig's Class - Fall 2015 Bleib ganz ruhig ; bleiben Sie ganz ruhig ; bewahr deine Ruhe ; bewahren Sie Ihre Ruhe. reg dich nicht auf! was kann ich tun, dass die Kaninchen nicht hereinkommen/nicht in meinen Garten kommen? keep my hands to myself phrase. Change your default dictionary to American English. definitions. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. suggest new. Sie sollten sie nicht von der Arbeit abhalten. The song was written by the group's lead singer, Dan Baird, and was released in 1986 as their debut single. Every time I get that sweet old pain. to refrain from touching anything or anyone; to refrain from punching or poking someone. The definition of KYHTY by , persist, prolong, remain these well-meaning A-OK gestures are obscene hands in the way a..., Chat Texting & Subculture acronym / Slang / Abbreviation you do n't give your! 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