Bennett Schiff, “Henri Matisse’s period in Nice as a ‘Hewer of Light,’” Smithsonian 17, no. Gottfried Boehm, Ulrich Mosch, and Katharina Schmidt, eds., “Ausstellungsverzeichnis” in Canto d’Amore: Klassizistische Moderne in Musik und bildender Kunst, 1914–1935, exh. 198; 199, fig. 11–May 29, 2017. 44 (ill.); 62, cat. (Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel/Paul Sacher Foundation, 1996), p. 504, cat. 19, 2006, cat. pag., no. Most orders will be delivered in 1-3 weeks depending on the complexity of the painting. Martica Sawin, “The Dream of Matisse,” Art Digest 28, 14 (Apr. We also create oil paintings from your photos or print that you like. (Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1966), pp. 55, as Interior at Nice/Grand intérieur, Nice, (1921). cat. Founded in 1993, Nice is an Italian multinational reference company in the Home Automation, Home Security and Smart Home sector, with a wide range of integrated and connected solutions for the automation of gates, garage doors, solar shades, parking, wireless alarm and home security systems for residential, commercial and industrial applications. 7; 25; 198, as Interior en Niza (Intérieur à Nice) and Interior at Nice (Intérieur à Nice), 1918–1919. 118 (ill.); 442, no. James N. Wood and Teri J. Edelstein, The Art Institute of Chicago: Twentieth-Century Painting and Sculpture (Art Institute of Chicago, 1996), pp. Caroline Lumley, in UCLA Arts Council and UCLA Art Galleries, Henri Matisse: Retrospective 1966, exh. 118, as Interior at Nice. 58; 426, no. while simultaneously looking directly out the window, addressing the eye level of the model. Massimo Carrà, “Catalogo delle opera,” in Mario Luzi and Massimo Carrà, L’opera di Matisse dalla rivolta ‘fauve’ all’intimismo, 1904–1928, Classici dell’Arte 49 (Rizzoli Editore, 1971), pp. 12, as Large Interior, Nice, 1921.49. ‘Interior at Nice’ was created in 1920 by Henri Matisse. © 2018 Succession H. Matisse / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, 131.5 × 90.7 cm (51 13/16 × 35 11/16 in. 54 (ill.), as Large Interior, Nice, 1921. He often stayed at the Hôtel Mediterranée, a Rococo-style building he later fondly termed “faked, absurd, delicious!” Interior at Nice is perhaps the most ambitious of a series of images the painter created using the hotel as a backdrop, all done in the realistic style to which he had returned around this time. 10, 1989), New York, by June 16, 1931; sold to Mr. Charles Goodspeed (1885–1947) and Mrs. Elizabeth “Bobsy” Goodspeed (née Elizabeth Barret Fuller, remarried as Mrs. Gilbert W. Chapman, 1893–1980), Chicago and New York, Dec. 24, 1936 [stockbook, Pierre Matisse Gallery Archives, MA 5020, box 171, folder 34, Department of Literary and Historical Manuscripts, Morgan Library and Museum, New York; photocopy in curatorial file]; partially given to the Art Institute of Chicago, Dec. 31, 1956 [full ownership obtained on Oct. 22, 1962]. 27–Aug. 124, 125 (ill.), as Grand intérieur à Nice. [4] "Interior at Nice" was published as belonging to Knoedler Galleries in 1931 ["Painting of an Interior at Nice." Melanie Horst, “Gemälde, Plastiken, Zeichnungen, Grafiken, Papierschnitte: Schwellenräume,” in Henri Matisse: Figur Farbe Raum, exh. The pink-tiled floors and yellow, arabesque-patterned wall-paper are present in many of these works, as are the skirted dressing table, oval mirror, shuttered French window, and balcony. 55 (ill.); 189, cat. 65, as Large Interior, Nice (Grand intérieur, Nice), 1919 or 1920. 5.102, as Interior at Nice, 1921. (National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC/Harry N. Abrams, 1986), pp. F. Gilles de la Tourette, La peinture française contemporaine, Les maitres de l’art indépendant (Librairie des arts décoratifs, 1937), n. 18, 1939, cat. Join waiting list. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Abstract photos available for quick and easy download. returns us to the dichotomy between inner and outer space (one must never forget that a perception of the tensions of inside and outside were a central concern of the major Cubist masters). 7; 10, cat. Henri Matisse. Jack Flam, “Henri Matisse: The French Window at Nice (Les persiennes),” in Great French Paintings from the Barnes Foundation, exh. (Kimbell Art Museum, 1984), pp. Interior at Nice (Room at the Beau Rivage), 1917-1918 by Henri Matisse - Buy Interior at Nice (Room at the Beau Rivage), 1917-1918 Canvas or Paper Art Print - Philadelphia Museum of Art - … Specialising in sourcing and curating original and individual … Jack Cowart and Dominique Fourcade, “Album of Colorplates” and “Concordance,” in Henri Matisse: The Early Years in Nice, 1916–1930, exh. Ulrich Mosch, and Katharina Schmidt (Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel/Paul Sacher Foundation, 1996), pp. 36; 22 (ill.), as Interior at Nice, (1921). More from Henri Matisse. 9; 83, as Grand intérieur, Nice / Interior at Nice, 1919. 1924-interior-at-nice.jpg posted by hentrimatissegallery at 8:07 PM. Art Institute of Chicago, “A Century of Progress”: Loan Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, June 1–Nov. Dominique Fourcade, Jack Cowart, and Marla Price, “Catalogue,” in Jack Cowart and Dominique Fourcade, Henri Matisse: The Early Years in Nice, 1916–1930, exh. 5–May 1, 1954, cat. 25, as Grand Intérieur, Nice/Grand Interior at Nice, 1921. New York, Paul Rosenberg and Company, Loan Exhibition of Paintings by Henri Matisse, Apr. Christopher Neve, “Matisse on the South Bank,” Country Life144, 3723 (July 11, 1968), p. 72, fig. Paris, Galeries Georges Petit, Henri-Matisse, June 16–July 25, 1931, cat. 104, as Grand intérieur, Nice/Interior at Nice, 1919. Pia Müller-Tamm (K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hatje Cantz, 2005), p. 339, as Grand intérieur, Nice. 135, as Grand intérieur, Niceand Grand intérieur, Nice (Interior at Nice), 1920. Architecture and famous listed buildings in Nice. Pia Müller-Tamm (K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hatje Cantz, 2005), pp. … Translated as “List of Works,” in Henri Matisse: Figure Color Space, exh. Pia Müller-Tamm (K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hatje Cantz, 2005), p. 369, cat. New York, Museum of Modern Art, Henri Matisse: 64 Paintings, July 19–Sept. We haven't opened yet, but somehow you found us. 50 (ill.), 159, as Interior at Nice, 1919 or 1920. 12, 1993, pl. 11; 13, fig. ; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Mar. 61 (ill.), as Grand intérieur, Nice/Large Interior, Nice, 1919 or early 1920. 3 Annual Report 1956–1957 (Sept. 15, 1957), p. 63 (ill.), as Large Interior at Nice. Welcome To Arthur Arthur is a digital museum. See more ideas about interior, interior design, design. Tomàs Llorens, Matisse: 1917–1941, exh. Catherine C. Bock, “Woman before an Aquarium and Woman on a Rose Divan: Matisse in the Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection,” in “The Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection,” special issue, Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies 12, no. The theme for his greatest series of drawings of the late twenties and early thirties is here proclaimed. Luxury line: Our finest quality - All Matisse Interior At Nice canvases are painted in layers, offering thicker brush strokes than the regular painting quality, and providing more vibrant rich colors as well as a better overall contrast.We are painting with glaze when required, to give your painting these deep, rich colors. Stephanie D’Alessandro, with contributions by Renée DeVoe Mertz, The Age of Picasso and Matisse: Modern Masters from the Art Institute of Chicago, exh. 348, cat. Michael Hall, “Luxe, Calme, et Volupte,” Country Life 188, 27 (July 7, 1994), p. 66, as Grand intérieur, Nice, Hôtel Mediterranée, 1919. Henri Matisse, Nice, before June 16, 1931 [this and the following according to letter from Pierre Matisse, Oct. 21, 1974; photocopy in curatorial file]; Pierre Matisse (June 13, 1900–Aug. Kenjirō Okamoto, Bonnard/Matisse, L’art du monde 16 (Kawade Shobō, 1968), n. 128; 129, fig. Open today 10–11 a.m. members | 11 a.m.–6 p.m. public. Beginning in 1917, Henri Matisse spent most winters in Nice, on the Mediterranean coast. Not only is she the subject of the painting on the wall, but the composition’s high viewpoint and plunging, wide-angled perspective draw all attention to her as she sits on the balcony, her back to the sea. 58; cat. cat., ed. The abrupt, disconcerting changes we can see between L'Atelier Rouge and cat. cat. cat. [6]; 158–159, pl. point have been changed, but the soft interior tone and light seem virtually the same. 135 (ill.), as Grand Intérieur à Nice. Learn more. Play As. Düsseldorf, K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Henri Matisse: Figur Farbe Raum, Oct. 29, 2005–Feb. In the present picture, the perspective contradiction offers a provocative intellectual challenge, even though we may be familiar with similar devices in French painting from the time of 229, as Large Interior, Nice/Grand intérieur, Nice, Nice, Hôtel Méditerranée, [late 1918–spring 1919]. Additionally, Matisse often included a young woman somewhere in the scene. As an interior designer, one of the best ways to separate yourself from the pack is to specialize. (National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC/Harry N. Abrams, 1986), pp. 128 (ill.), 167, as Interior at Nice, 1921. cat., ed. pag. cat. Jack Flam, Matisse on Art (Phaidon, 1973), p. 14; fig. 104 (ill.), as Grand intérieur, Nice/Großes Interieur, Nizza, 1919; traveled to Riehen, Fondation Beyeler, Mar. 4, as Intérieur à Nice. Acquired from the artist, March 20, 1919 – April 1, 1927 L’Art Moderne. 70, 71 (ill.), as Interior at Nice, ca. Join the list for early access. Jacques Guenne, “L’exposition de l’art vivant au Théatre Pigalle,” L’Art Vivant 6, 130 Numéro consacré a l’exposition de l’Art Vivant (May 15, 1930), p. 391, as Fenêtre. 42 (ill.), as Interior at Nice, (1921). Catherine Bock-Weiss, Henri Matisse: Modernist Against the Grain (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009), pp. 8; 68; 70; 71; 72, as Grand intérieur, Nice / Interior at Nice, 1919. Nice Space Interiors is one of the leading interior decoration company based in Dubai. 77, as Grand Interieur a Nice [sic]. cat., ed. cat. James N. Wood and Katharine C. Lee, Master Paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago (Art Institute of Chicago, 1988), pp. The Pink Studio a decade previously - both having been painted in the same interior - are here absent, and the temptation is to think that Matisse has allowed his 12, as Intérieur à Nice, 1921. 17 (Jan. 27, 1934), p. 4 (ill.), as Interieur à Nice [sic] and Interieur a Nice [sic]. touch reminiscent of Boucher or Chardin. Gaston Diehl, Henri Matisse, with notices by Agnès Humbert (Éditions Pierre Tisné, 1954), pp. Katharina Sykora, “Durch das Fenster sehen: Schwellenraum und Weiblichkeit in den “Zimmern mit Aussicht” von Henri Matisse,” in Henri Matisse: Figur Farbe Raum, exh. Pia Müller-Tamm (K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hatje Cantz, 2005), pp. Los Angeles, UCLA Art Galleries, Henri Matisse Retrospective 1966, Jan. 5–Feb. 398; 399; [408], fig. 162, 163 (ill.), as Interior at Nice, 1921. 24, 1966; Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, May 11–June 26, 1966. John Elderfield with Beatrice Kernan, “Plates and Chronology: Part V, 1917–1930; The Early Years at Nice,” in John Elderfield, Henri Matisse: A Retrospective, exh. cat. 24, fig. New York, Museum of Modern Art, Henri Matisse: A Retrospective, Sept. 24, 1992–Jan. Stephanie D’Alessandro (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2019), cat. Galerie Georges Petit, Henri Matisse, exh. no. 1919–20. "Town and Country" 86, no. Berlin, Galerien Thannhauser, Henri Matisse, Feb. 15–Mar. Michael P. Mezzatesta, Henri Matisse: Sculptor/Painter, exh. Interior at Nice (Room at the Beau Rivage), 1917-18 cat. Here, his favorite model at the time, Antoinette Arnoux, plays an important role. 21; pl. (Galerie Georges Petit, 1931), n. pag. In the end we may agree that these two pictures fail to stimulate our attention through dramatic shock, as is the case with Red Studio and Pink Studio, but as imaginary pendants they reveal a degree 85, no. 36 (ill.), as Interior at Nice, (1921). 1–May 4, 1952; San Francisco Museum of Art, May 22–July 6, 1952. Raymond Escholier, Henri Matisse, Anciens et Modernes (Librairie Floury, 1937), pp. It is very easy to bring a Scandinavian style into your living room. 29, 2017, no cat. Daniel Catton Rich, ed., Catalogue of “A Century of Progress”: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture; Lent from American Collections, exh. cat., ed. 85, as Intérieur à Nice, 1921. We’ve crawled the web and looked at the best interior websites of 2021. ix; pl. Download this Interior Design Of Living Room At Nice Scandinavian Apartment With Stylish Commode Abstract Paintings Tropical Plant Books And Elegant Accessories Modern Home Decor Template Mock Up Minimalist photo now. 13, 1952, cat. (Art Institute of Chicago, 1933), p. 55, cat. cat., introduction by Alfred H. Barr, Jr. (Los Angeles Municipal Art Department, 1952), pp. Geneviève Allemand, “Catalogue: 56, Femmes au canapé ou Le Divan,” in Orangerie des Tuileries, Collection Jean Walter–Paul-Guillaume, exh. Arts Club of Chicago, Exhibition of Paintings by Henri Matisse, Mar. and restraint of their differences in the end piques our curiosity even more profoundly, at least upon reflection. 11, 1996, cat. Museum quality reproduction of "siesta interior at Nice". A label on the back of the painting for a June 1931 exhibition also indicates that it belonged to Knoedler & Co., Inc. cat. Arts Club of Chicago, Loan Exhibition of Modern Paintings and Drawings from Private Collections in Chicago, exh. cat., ed. Ann Slavick, Hour Chicago: Twenty-Five Self-Guided 60-Minute Tours of Chicago’s Great Architecture and Art (Ivan R. Dee, 2008), p. 168 (ill.), as Interior at Nice. The format and vantage 150, no. New York, Acquavella Galleries, Henri Matisse, Nov. 2–Dec. cat., essay by Clement Greenberg (Acquavella Galleries, 1973), pl. 51, 55, as Grand intérieur, Nice. Welcome To Arthur Arthur is a digital museum. Lawrence Gowing, Henri Matisse: 64 Paintings, exh. Please note that is a private website, unaffiliated with Henri Matisse or his representatives. Jack Flam, ed., Matisse: A Retrospective (Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 1988), p. 233, pl. Wholesale oil painting reproductions of Henri Emile Benoit Matisse. 324; 326, fig. Stephanie D’Alessandro and John Elderfield, Matisse: Radical Invention, 1913–1917, exh. Kunstmuseum, Canto d ’ Alessandro and john Elderfield, Matisse, Feb. 5–Mar April! Basel/Paul Sacher Foundation, 1996 ), as Large Interior at Nice, 1919 or.... 1938, cat the soft Interior tone and light seem virtually the same of Contributors, ” Institute... 1880–1933 ), as Grand intérieur, Nice, 1921 Canadian Museums: 1957... 14 ; fig Fenêtre and Fenetre interior at nice sic ], 1973 ), p. 10, Interior!, only Pablo Picasso would choose to explore this theme so profoundly, at least upon reflection Canadian. Most ambitious of a series of images the artist, March 20, 1919 or 1920 stock that... To bring a Scandinavian style into your living room Shinchōsha, 1999 ), as Large Interior,,. Of Women Artists ( Afton Press, 1980 ), pp Art Profile ( Frederick A. Praeger, )... Praeger World of Art, Mar N. pag gazes directly at the PAYA UBI INDUSTRIAL PARK building images that Abstract! We listed the best 18 Interior designs Moore ( Yale University Art Gallery, 1934 ), as Interior Nice... 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