Even this sort of victory I would not call good, since bodily death is really a lesser evil than spiritual death. Whenever you go forth, O worldly warrior, you must fear lest the bodily death of your foe should mean your own spiritual death, or lest perhaps your body and soul together should be slain by him. Here is an excerpt… ‘Ten days Darkness. Paul Kramer, Louie Verrecchio, Marco Tosatti, Jesse Romero, Anthony Stine, Gearoid O’Colmain, Cornelia Ferreira, Ralph Sarchie, Dr. Sungenis, Dr. David Allen White, Dr. Chojnowski, Michael Voris, Michael Hichborn, John Henry Westen, E. Michael Jones, Mike Church, Msgr. They, shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed in Me. God bless your work. Be courageous soldiers of Christ! I am with … The date for the Three Days of Darkness is March 29, 30, 31 of 2040, which is holy Thursday, Good Friday, and holy Saturday that year. THE ONLY WEBSITE YOU WILL NEED FOR THE UPCOMING TRIBULATION…. The lame were walking, and the deaf Magenta Pixie ~ Three Days of Darkness, Three World Split, Easter Great Reveal 1st-13th April 2020 . If there are unbelievers in your household offer to … Even this sort of victory I would not call good, since bodily death is really a lesser evil than spiritual death. Windows are to be covered prior to the Three Days in such a way as to prevent visualizing what is taking place outside. Nor do they presume on their own strength, but trust in the Lord of armies to grant them the victory. And a horrible darkness occurred in all the land of Egypt for three days. I desire your prayers. (the motto of Saint Michael) will serve as a protection to many. Download the app today to experience an amazing combination of superb graphics, smooth physics and perfect control. Both are pictures of the Passover, then rising up to go out to the Promised Land. “I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3). A Holy Spirit led analysis of what the 3 days of darkness is about, and when it happens. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady... three days less one night. Regards. Hell will believe itself to be in possession Keep up the great work. All the novus ordo people think it’s great. (Exodus 10:21-23) The prophet Isaiah also spoke of a day of darkness: If he fights for a good reason, the issue of his fight can never be evil; and likewise the results can never be considered good if the reason were evil and the intentions perverse. Indeed, danger or victory for a Christian depends on the dispositions of his heart and not on the fortunes of war. It says in Scripture that God will directly intervene to save the "Elect" and shorten the time of tribulation. And Moses stretch forth his hand towards heaven: and there came horrible darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days.No man saw his brother, nor moved himself out of the place where he was: but wheresoever the children of Israel dwelt there was light.” (Exodus 10:21-23, Douay-Rhei… They survive just fine. Get Access to TradCatKnight’s Exclusive Content! No, it is the soul which sins that shall die. Post navigation ← … THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF INFORMATION BEING RELAYED DAILY (25-50 POSTS)! 2020/10/21 Should he be killed himself, we know that he has not perished, but has come safely into port. He is evidently the avenger of Christ towards evildoers and he is rightly considered a defender of Christians. There are only 3 Egytian plagues that happened that I do not see mentioned in the Book of Revelation: 1) The Fly Plague. From translation of a copy of a personal letter written by Padre Pio addressed to the Commission of Heroldsbach appointed by the Vatican that testifies to the truth and reality of these revelations on the Three Days of Darkness given by Our Lord to Padre Pio, a … Three Days of Darkness Candle in Glass Container (100% Pure Beeswax) US$ 33.00. Take a long nap. Here is a list of those Scriptures from The Light Has Come Website: Days of Darkness Scriptures Three Days of Darkness -Taylor Marshall. 5° Many people will escape shocked. THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF INFORMATION BEING RELAYED DAILY (25-50 POSTS)! Finally, satan will be again unleashed just prior to the Second Coming of Christ and the End of the World. April 1, 2020 by Suzanne Maresca. They gave a dinner for him there, and Martha served, while Lazarus was one of those reclining at table with him. In biblical reckoning, days begin in the evening (Genesis 1:5 Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.And the evening and the morning were the first day. Now it will not do to be a murderer, living or dead, victorious or vanquished. “And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch out they hand towards heaven: and may there be darkness upon the land of Egypt, so thick that it may be felt. There are MANY other Scriptures that talk about days of darkness in the last days. Outside forces incl Soros had a big part to play in that. It might be good time to get Dr. Chojnoski back on soon—sounds like an update to his facial recognition study of Sister Lucy is forthcoming. July 6, 2020 “Children, do not be dismayed that My last Message stated I would not call for any more big events. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is God’s minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. The hero fighting the bad Illuminati…. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is God’s minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. TradCatKnight is #1 ranked Catholic channel and Top 15 Christian channel (According to Feedspot). We presume, and assume as pretty certain, that this darkness … She likewise saw falling ruins of walls, accompanied by much dust, as if a great edifice had tumbled down. How secure, I say, is life when death is anticipated without fear; or rather when it is desired with feeling and embraced with reverence! These are such arduous times – times when we need more prayer protection! Want to know what to do for those 3 days? Una Martin ( Ireland ), Your apostolate is thoroughly exceptional for the way has tied to together important matters under the auspice of Catholic/Marian prophecy, including the matter of the utter atrocity who is the present (false) claimant to the Chair of Peter. Doors and … You know in the days of the apostles there were miracles, and signs, and wonders. Outside forces incl Soros had a big part to play in that. However, that changed once the LORD starting talking to me during the summer of 2018 , and then again in January 2019 . AND HUNDREDS MORE OF THE TOP NAMES! One day, the Lord instructed her to present her messages to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. custom shirts & more! The box looks and feels like it was dragged on concrete. My luminous cross will People were being baptized in power. Burns for 3 days or 72 Hours - All candles used for the 3 days of Darkness MUST be 51% beeswax or better. But wherever the sons of Israel lived, there was light. dean consulating services I listen to you on U tube. Please like and share. There is also your emphasis on Fr. And in these days, you will look like dead, without eating or drinking. TradCatKnight is #1 ranked Catholic channel and Top 15 Christian channel (According to Feedspot). Get Access to TradCatKnight’s Exclusive Content! Once he finds himself in the thick of battle, this knight sets aside his previous gentleness, as if to say, “Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord; am I not disgusted with your enemies?” These men at once fall violently upon the foe, regarding them as so many sheep. But what of those who kill neither in the heat of revenge nor in the swelling of pride, but simply in order to save themselves? Q refers to ten days of darkness in drop number 88 from 5th November 2017. So, we don’t have confirmation from the Holy Spirit on this as the actual three days of darkness. I’m shocked at their ignorance. I desire your prayers. Welcome to Leaflet Missal Online. There were 3 days of darkness in Exodus, right before the first Passover lamb was slain and 3 hours right before Jesus died on the the cross and the earthquake was so great that people came up alive out of their graves! NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS. In the past few months I have found a few videos and articles, even television programs that present a “scientific” explanation of the Days of Darkness promised in Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. Implore their aid! Many of the messages about preparing for the Three Days of Darkness come from some of the modern false apparitions, if I recall correctly. was provided much information about the End Times, specifically, about the Three Days of Darkness and natural remedies to help combat the different coming plagues, etc. On March 5th the Holy Spirit put it … Burns for 3 days or 72 Hours - All candles used for the 3 days of Darkness MUST be 51% beeswax or better. If he kills an evildoer, he is not a mankiller, but, if I may so put it, a killer of evil. 3 days of darkness kits!! plenty wellness/cbd products jacksdave.com mike barry’s social kingship of christ church supply store! The power of the Holy Spirit was falling. This is the community to be in for the times ahead (the Tribulation) as social media censorship rises. For three nights and two days, night will be continuous. Lord Jesus Christ, expose and disgrace every evil secret that want to work against me this year, in Jesus name. Made in the USA. This may indicate the ruins caused by frightful earthquakes, or the destruction effected by the wicked Communists. No one saw his brother, nor moved himself from the place where he was. These three days are very close. I’d also like to hear again from Louie Verrecchio, E. Michael Jones, Father Hewko, Father Chazal (if possible—not sure I’ve heard him interviewed on your show but will look), Msgr. But I, Your God, will have purified … As a result of my hospitalization during the first eleven days of December 2020 for cardiac-related issues, the most recent Message from Jesus of Nazareth was not received until December 25, 2020… God bless your work. But I, Your God, will have purified the earth. Those who do not know Me will be in great fear because they will not understand what is happening. THE ONLY WEBSITE YOU WILL NEED FOR THE UPCOMING TRIBULATION…. I’m now with the Resistance but as expected getting grief from the friends in the Indult Church. No matter how outnumbered they are, they never regard these as fierce barbarians or as awe-inspiring hordes. If you succeed, and by your will to overcome and to conquer you perchance kill a man, you live a murderer. These are traditional Catholics who go to the Latin Mass Anti Pope Francis is coming to Ireland next month. Hey Eric—sounds like another great show coming up this Sunday. ... *"A PRAYER TO BE RECITED DURING THE (3 DAYS OF DARKNESS) CHASTISEMENT" Revelation to Marie-Julie Jahenny on January 17, 1922 A.D. (Source: " Prophecies of La Fraudais of Marie-Julie Jahenny ", pp. Kramer, who had been Fr. A holy man once wrote about one souls experiences of such attacks. I do not know if that is a concerted effort to distort the prophetic warnings, or if it is just a fad among the now conspicuous anti-Christian crowd. Tons of information daily and anyone can join folks! A family owned and operated Catholic gifts and religious supplies store. As late as 1965, the three days of darkness was spoken of again by a holy person in Europe: "The Divine fire and the fire of hell will arrive and last during the days of darkness indicated by all the saints. 4 The "feast of a saint, martyr of the Eucharist" will be celebrated on a Thursday during March, April, or May and between the days of the eighth to -Our Lady of the Roses, August 14, 1981 June 13 through 15 2020 “All is in God’s hands” it repeated to its self, and as it did so, all fear fell away, and the soul felt a … My people will have light in their dwellings during the coming 3 days of darkness as well. And a horrible darkness occurred in all the land of Egypt for three days. For over 90 years, Leaflet Missal Company has worked hard to bring you the widest range of Catholic gifts and religious supplies to enrich your faith, provide for your giving needs and help deepen the faith of loved ones. And to conquer you perchance kill a man, you die a murderer, living or dead, without or. Second Sun ” in the last days and our lady of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a to... Likewise saw falling ruins of walls, accompanied by much dust, as if a edifice. Feels like it was dragged on concrete perez, Father Voigt, Hugh Owen and... 40 days in such a way as to prevent visualizing what is happening you are seeking to! Strength, but trust in the Indult church # 1 ranked catholic channel Top! This year, in Jesus name and the end of the great set of arms, use grenades Molotov! Or drinking only to kill another, you die a murderer a most excessive darkness spreading itself the. Paul II go out to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II Owen, and Martha,... 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