I doubt they'd make her (Amy) pregnant then make Jonah propose because of that since that's literally what Adam did. Things are going to get very messy over at superstore when season four rolls around. I just caught up with the show after binging almost non-stop for the past week (now what do I do?!?). Read on to see if Ferrera is anything like Amy in real life, or if it’s all a comedic act. For instance 2nd season when they were exchanging stories in the cafe when Niaomi comes up, in the third season when they're on their Goonies adventure with the illegal alien game and the most recent episode with them goofing off at the managers seminar which starts with his optimism vs her pragmatism/pessimism. I'm like halfway through season 3 and while I like the show, there was SO MUCH at the end of season 1 that I was excited for and it literally just...withered away. The episode picked up moments after amy reveals to jonah that shes pregnant. Amy is evolving and so is Jonah so I think maybe it will make even more sense in the future. The showwas recently renewed for season 6, which will begin with its 100th episode. America Ferrera confirms her pregnancy in an Instagram post on New Year's Eve. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I really feel like that's how the end of season 1 was set up. Amy looked up as Jonah walked into the room. 66 notes. This weeks superstore confirmed the identity of amys baby daddy. I have only seen the birthing episode once but I believe her health insurance threw her birth into a tail spin? A few episodes before the finale superstore answered that question. She does come off as bitchy (for lack of a better word) but I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t admit that about myself. As someone who worked in retail for a few years in my early 20s, I totally related to the stress and frustrations and worthlessness of that kind of job and in that way I understood Amy a lot. I wanted to see the story of the grown up teenage mom who finally wants more and has the opportunity to better herself now that her kid is older, and move to bigger and better things. I understand that he sees something in her that others don’t and she probably really needs that but what does Jonah get from it? “In the end, that was the reason we decided to do it.” superstore: amy is accidentally pregnant. In reality, Superstore has a leading character problem, but some other sitcoms have this too: the leading characters are just low-key annoying and totally not the reason to watch the show. This week’s Superstore confirmed the identity of Amy’s baby daddy. “She’s so cute. I also see someone posted a very similar post here a few weeks ago but it devolved pretty quickly into other problematic things the author posted. And while an overwhelming 75 percent of tvline readers suspected that she was about to tell jonah that he was the father she instead confirmed that the child to be is in fact adams. The only time I can think of when she got her comeuppance was when Jonah blew up at her for kissing him, and he was completely in the right to do so. She finally happy that she out of a marriage she felt forced to be in. Amy discovered she was finally pregnant at the end of the next episode and tells Jake, which immediately cuts to Charles awake in bed, knowing. Get over yourself. Feels like someone makes one of these threads like once a week. I think they play into very normal roles (she is just like my oldest sister who had kids young/had to raise us), and Jonah is the youngest--a typical people pleaser. Superstore how did amy get pregnant. America Ferrera may have gotten her start as Ana Garcia in the 2002 film, Real Women Have Curves, but her role as Amy Sosa on Superstore is of the most relatable on TV. Amy always wears a different name tag because she does not like strangers using her real name. Things are going to get very messy over at superstore when season four rolls around. I know there's a better way to say that but I can't figure it out right now. Amy and fellow employee Jonah (played by Ben Feldman) are currently dating on the series. • America Ferrera as Amelia "Amy" Sosa, a Honduran American Cloud 9 employee who worked as an associate, floor supervisor, and assistant manager before being promoted to store manager. The love and effort put into Parker's room would make a stranger think that he was a long-awaited addition to the family, when in fact Amy struggled to the last day of her pregnancy to find all the things she needed for him. Amys ex husband adam and current beau alex learn shes pregnant. TBH though I wish they would have written around the whole pregnancy thing (like they have done in a ton of other shows where the lead got pregnant) as I hate to say it but I … But tellingly, Superstore painted Amy’s pregnancy as a barrier to her happiness. But then it just all... vanished! Amy And Dina Deliver Their Babies Superstore Episode Highlight. She has so many plans, and an accidental pregnancy isn't one of them. Its a network sitcom. Superstore how did amy get pregnant. Season 4 – Episodes 1-5: PREGNANCY: Amy finds out she’s pregnant towards the end of season 3, and the time-skip between seasons has her come back to work heavily pregnant.She’s first shown working in a coffee shop before coming back to the store. NBC announced in February that Ferrera, 36, was leaving after five seasons of playing Amy Sosa on the workplace sitcom, centered around Cloud 9, a big box store near St. Louis. Amy and adam soon divorce and adam moves on. These are a few examples but there are more. You are not wrong, but you will be downvoted because she is the lead and the actress looks kind of pretty so that makes people like her. Superstore’s Dina and Amy may have went to the same high school — well, if Lauren Ash and America Ferrera got their way. Httpbitlynbcsuperstore superstore returns thursday march 19th 8. (And I think we’ve all been there with someone who we had a crush on but they were with someone else). But she had no problem letting Jonah fuck up his relationship with Kelly and never got any real repercussions for it. Idk if I just missed the 2 line explanation (a big complaint I have about this show) at some point explaining it all away or if it really is a massive plot hole. She’s pessimistic and bossy and he’s optimistic and a people pleaser. In episode 2, the store throws a baby shower for her and a few other women, including some other pregnant woman she hasn’t met before. Exceptions are in "Labor", "Strike" and "Cloud 9 Academy" where she wore her real name and "Halloween Theft", where she didn't wear a name tag. “It was an extra struggle… Were we making Amy’s life too difficult?” he said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. She manipulates and lies to everyone no matter how arbitrary the reason and constantly, which doesn’t help on binge viewings, has to relearn not to but into someone else’s business because it blows up in her face. We see initial attraction and interest evolve for both of them. America Ferrera's 'Superstore' character had to go back to work 48 hours after giving birth, and the response from moms was overwhelming. Amy discovered that shes unexpectedly pregnant by her ex husband. Jonah is mad that Amy kissed him right before dropping the … I see her as more of a character with a chip on her shoulder and that could honestly be said about Jonah too. The episode picked up moments after Amy reveals to Jonah that she’s pregnant. She can be sarcastic, and she can also fight for those she loves. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. People generally like to see changes (improvements/growth) in other people, and that's what can keep a relationship going. They would eventually come to a common ground and the union thing could be a sub plot moving forward. all right I'm gonna say it. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Superstore has now been added to Netflix in the UK and first-time viewers might be confused why season 2 starts with a random Olympics episode, but here's why. But you’re right though about not having a birthing plan but I guess with her second child I guess maybe she would wing it, Rereading this comment and it sounds like a jumbled stream of consciousness, amy and jonah both kind of annoy me tbh #teamgarrett, I completely agree and see your point! Httpbitlynbcsuperstore superstore returns thursday march 19th 8. ET's Leanne Aguilera spoke with Superstore stars Ben Feldman and Lauren Ash at NBC's Television Critics Association press day on Tuesday, where they … Now that they’re together that’s how their dynamic works and I guess he’s ok with it bc he’s still with her even through a pregnancy lol. | Reuters/Mario Anzouni. She’s not a great person. The season concluded on May 16, 2019. Of honduran descent she became pregnant with emma in high school and was married to her babys father adam shortly after. The fourth season of Superstore, the U.S. television series, was ordered on February 21, 2018. The 33-year-old star of the comedy series "Superstore" announces her pregnancy on New Year's Eve. I don’t like how their circumstances brought them together but I feel the reason she was so used to be so hard on him at first was because she liked him and felt an attraction towards him and had to quell it by being bossy and stand-offish. but I do think they are very opposites attract yin and yang sort of deal and it was going to happen no matter what. Honestly it kind of takes us out of the whole sitcom-y instant gratification type universe and puts us into the thinking about long term effects of actions type thinking. Amy wears a name tag with a different name in nearly every episode as she doesn't want strangers to know her name. It's a TV show. Clearly, the kiss the two shared in … I do like that Amy is a very realistic character. In thursdays episode expectant mom amy informed dina and cheyenne that her unplanned pregnancy was the result of a drunken one night stand with ex husband adam but weve got our doubts. I kind of love the subversion (and Superstore can be very subversive for a sitcom). Jonahs abrupt breakup with kelly. When Amy revealed she was pregnant to Jonah in the penultimate Season 3 episode of Superstore, fans were sure they knew what was coming next. I feel like she only is nice when she’s getting her way or something has royally blown up in her face. Up until the fourth season. See how you feel at the end this season. sometimes it’s hard to watch because so realistic especially amy things. He is an entrepreneur who has had several unsuccessful ventures and even works at the store as a seasonal employee in season 2. Amy is evolving and so is Jonah so I think maybe it will make even more sense in the future. She doesn’t pretend to be someone she’s not cough Jonah cough. When Amy Santiago falls pregnant unexpectedly with her ex-boyfriend's baby, it feels like all hope for her future is lost. She misplaces her frustrations on everyone, especially Jonah at the beginning (which side note, I expected his character to start out as hating his job but he’s pretty optimistic and I like that). Follow. If you are this upset about people not loving a character on a tv show, maybe you are the one who needs to get over themselves haha. (The actress revealed she was pregnant at the beginning of the year.) loregranger. It was obvious her and her husband weren't designed to last and quite frankly I'm surprised it took the writers this long to actually end it. That is annoying to watch. I actually hate that sitcoms never let anything change, but having another man's baby is just too big of an emotionally charged bag (especially at their ages) for a sitcom... And it's going to keep Amy as the super-serious uptight bossy girl or she's going to be a bad mom (lose-lose). It's mentioned/shown a few times throughout the seasons that Jonah helps Amy relax/be happier and Amy helps Jonah be "less annoying (more in the real world?)" Ferrera happily shared her pregnancy via an Instagram photo with her husband Ryan Piers Williams. But it feels as if Season 4 is neglecting their new dynamic. Throughout Season 6, one of the most enduring hardships for fans was processing that America, who is also one of the show's executive producers, finally decided to say goodbye to Cloud 9. They also have great chemistry together with both of them admiring certain traits in the other. Complicating all of that. again. Amelia amy sosa formerly dubanowski was the floor supervisor then manager at cloud 9 store 1217 where shes worked since 2003. But I also see a changing Amy. We are used to tv with female Kellys being the lead, tiny and blonde and friendly. Also the writers said she won’t be the same Amy at the end of this season. And while an … The longtime star of NBC comedy Superstore, America Ferrera, who'd been a part of the show for six seasons, announced in 2020 that she was leaving the show after its 100th episode. America Georgine Ferrera (born April 18, 1984) is an American actress. See Amy's name tagfor pictures and details. Instead, this show is giving us a lead that doesn't fit those stereotypes. I’m at a cross here because I find Amy to be very realistic but I also don’t like her and don’t think she’s learned anything really (who doesn’t have a birthing plan with the hospital when planning for a baby? I was happy that they had sex but it would have been nice to see them have a bit of romance before the mess of bringing a child into it. How she reacted to Kelly was really crappy. Over the past three seasons of the series superstore has been incredibly invested in showing the audience every critical aspect of jonah and amys relationship development. I’m hoping their relation reaches some kind of mature ending? At least 45 percent of pregnancies in the united states between 2009 and 2013 were. This has got to be one of the most iconic scenes in Season 3 of Superstore, if not the whole show. Complicating all of that. After the season finale, the show’s creator, Justin Spitzer, explained why his writers imposed an unwanted pregnancy on Amy. In the second episode of season 6, Amy leaves the store for a corporate position at Cloud 9. Everyone's favorite trait in a person. What Amy managed to do with Adam's old "hobby" room never ceased to amaze him. I don't know. Hold tight! Born in Los Angeles, California, to Honduran parents, Ferrera developed an interest in acting at a young age performing in several stage productions at her school. Courtesy of NBC. When Amy lets her guard down, they obviously have a great time together (like at the manager convention), but he is just so sweet to her and she acts like she doesn't like him 99% of the time. I also liked how their confrontation after the kiss went but I think the writers should have had her admit that she was domineering/controlling in that way instead of the way the conversation did end. Superstore actress lauren ash talks pregnancy bellies and writing jokes for sandra exclusive on nbcs superstore nearing the end of its third season canadian actress lauren ash plays the overly stern hilariously blunt assistant manager of cloud 9 dina fox. I think it was a mistake to pull her away from her marriage in this way (I mean the way it was written, separated and pregnant but let’s have sex with Jonah anyway!) Maybe this is the exactly same reason why i love this show. The subreddit for the NBC sitcom Superstore, a comedy about a unique family of employees that work in a big box store! Amys pregnancy with ex adams child. me: #superstore #amy sosa #gender reveal #superstore 3x20. She isn't tiny and perky, she is sometimes pessimistic and bossy and flawed...but she is also smart and uses her intelligence and pushiness to try fight back against Corporate and get wins for The Little Guy. She also wore "Vicky" in the Training Video (Digital Exclusive). The struggle of attending school while working a crappy retail job. The actress also serves as an … Therefore amy and jonah cant afford to get pushed to the side. I think Jonah and Amy make sense, and I think on second view you might see a bit more why. She overall has a bad attitude that comes from various frustrations such as marrying and starting a family so young and being stuck at Cloud 9. I see her negative qualities and I do get annoyed with her but obviously Jonah sees something in her and wants to show her that (like the stars thing, like she’s worth something). The series continues to air in the same timeslot Thursday at 8:00 PM. I honestly see where you’re coming from and agree with some of your points but I don’t think she’s the worst. In Thursday’s episode, expectant mom Amy informed Dina and Cheyenne that her unplanned pregnancy was the result of a drunken one-night stand with … Jonah is alway positive with her and I believe it’s going to push her too. In addition to bringing Amy to life on the series, America has directed and produced several episodes of Superstore. America Ferrera’s character, Amy, is … I don't think she's "the worst," but I am getting tired of seeing Jonah be so nice to her and her not returning it. In reality Jonah has no reason to love Amy, but it is just the story the writers of Superstore want to tell, there is no real explanation other than that, since as you noted Amy is not really a delightful person to have around. America Ferrera is going to be a first-time mom. Ferrera played Amy, the manager of a big box store in the show, which has already been renewed for a sixth season. We get it, you think someone's selfish or annoying or stuck up or tries to play the martyr or whatever. Her and Jonah would take up the noble struggle of trying to create a union and it would be a battle between them and Dina. I’ve really enjoyed it but I think watching the episodes back to back to back has really put Amy in a bad light for me. I kind of agree. The season premiered on October 4, 2018 and contained 22 episodes. After that, it's hard to be sympathetic to Amy because yeah she works a shitty job but there's nothing stopping her from getting something different...So she's complaining but also not doing anything to improve. But together it just makes sense I guess? TBH though I wish they would have written around the whole pregnancy thing (like they have done in a ton of other shows where the lead got pregnant) as I hate to say it but I do find that to be a bit far fetched for a sitcom. Amy and Jonah's relationship on Superstore spent years being perfectly thought-out and executed. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. A few episodes before the finale superstore answered that question. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Her life feels like it is about to fall apart, but then Jake Peralta steps in and makes everything okay. But, she has negative tendencies that include bossiness, rudeness, and selfishness. "Superstore" will have to continue without its super star America Ferrera. She going to go through some changes. One if the reasons I like this show so much is that even though there are characters whose personalities I would hate to be around, they manage to write everything in way that I still love them all as characters. All and all for a sitcom I think the relationship is very well thought out and executed, it's showed us multiple times that the characters can actually have a great time together, have similar pasts and views on things, and work on an emotional level. What happened to her college class thing?? . Amy discovered that shes unexpectedly pregnant by her ex husband. I was STOKED for Amy. "The last five years on Superstore have been some of the most rewarding, enriching and enjoyable years of my career," she wrote in an Instagram post announcing her departure. A surprise pregnancy is not inherently negative and certainly not out of the ordinary. Later on amy and adam meet again sleep together and amy ends up pregnant with her second child. She has always had her guard up and from time to time she slowly letting it down more. Like I seriously can’t root for her and Jonah because the reality of their situation is messy and she doesn’t seem to like him half of the time. Now with the stasis of the season, I guess ultimately my problem/question is why does Jonah want to invest so much time to her? Amy and Jonah have been dancing around each other throughout Superstore’s entire run, with staggered moments of release that just led to more frustration and unresolved tension.In the Season 2 finale, a tornado hit their store, and Amy grabbed Jonah, kissing him in a moment when she thought they were about to die. Matter what sosa # gender reveal # Superstore 3x20 amy discovered that shes unexpectedly pregnant her... Then make Jonah propose because of that since that 's literally what adam did continues to air in the amy... Amy wears a different name tag because she does not like strangers using her real.. 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