Here's How... Lawyer Sidney Powell FIRED, How Can Donald Trump WIN Re-Election Now? 17/01/2021 10:39 pm / 07:11. America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN... Get 3 FREE MONTHS and a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - since a NEW temporary SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE was nominated... TRUMP SIGNED INSURRECTION ACT? On the show, Gage touch's on controversial and polarizing current events. Check out Investment Monitor here and City Monitor here. Google Podcasts ▸ Joe Biden Did NOT Win The Election, Here's Why! Senators continued discussing Section 230 that protects companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. ", Trump Shouldn't CONCEDE! HUGE WIN For President Trump’s Re-Election Campaign | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. The election isn't over yet but there still is a chance of President Donald Trump losing the election... NEW Trump Campaign Lawsuits COULD Overturn Election Results | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. The death of George Floyd cut the country to its very core, igniting a movement that is difficult to compare. Other Democrats are encouraging "contact-less" Thanksgivings via Zoom or Skype. 82 days after election day in America and a STATEMENT from John Ratcliffe the, DIRECTOR of NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE stated "Americans COLLUDED with foreign governments to SUBVERT the U.S. And KILL SMALL BUSINESS and the ECONOMY... Do you AGREE with a $20 MINIMUM WAGE? | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. - Politics po… What the election reveals about the urban-rural divide. Anchor FM ▸, Joe Biden STUMBLES at the ADDRESS of the NATION | America Divided, Joe Biden STUMBLES at the ADDRESS of the NATION... Joe Biden ADDRESSED the NATION on the ANNIVERSARY of the COVID-19 lockdown! New episodes every Sunday! 40:00 Bart w 33. - Politics po… What is it? And what do Star Wars, Dolly Parton, and Jackbox Games have to do with it? A clean, simple landing page with an embedded HTML5 audio player (and audio cards for Twitter and Facebook). | 2020 Election Update | America Divided, JOE BIDENS INAUGURATION WAS FAKED... 79 days after election day in America and, NEW evidence has SURFACED that "PRESIDENT" Joe Biden's "INAUGURATION" was FAKED and that PRESIDENT Donald Trump SIGNED the INSURRECTION ACT and the MILITARY is NOW in CONTROL... | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Dr. Fauci Wants To BAN Thanksgiving | America Divided. JOE BIDEN'S INAUGURATION CANCELLED! RadioPublic ▸, TRUMP ACQUITTED FOR A SECOND TIME! NEW Analysis Finds President Trump Won The Election… | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Trump Won The Election (New Evidence Shows) 28 days after election day in America and the legal battles are only just beginning. In America, the core to our problems has always been division, we are majorly divided in this country for one reason or another. You can catch more of me every day on Trish Intel, my daily podcast. INSURRECTION ACT IS HERE... 71 days after election day in America and with, over 15,000 ARMED NATIONAL GUARD TROOPS guarding the nation's capital, many SPECULATE that President Donald Trump SIGNED the INSURRECTION ACT of 1807... WHERE IS NANCY PELOSI? For some, this may be the most divisive time in their lives, for others its the same old story. | America Divided. Join our Telegram here RadioPublic ▸ Its time to uncover and look deeper into division. Five days after election day in America and the news media calls it for "President-Elect" Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, HOWEVER, the election is far from over. Download. - 2020 | America Divided. - Joe Biden MIGHT be going to JAIL... 00:34:55; Dr. Frank Luntz ran his first focus group in 1988 and ever since then he has made it his life’s work to understand how people think and behave. Welcome to week three of America Divided: The Face of Division. Join our Telegram here, JOE BIDEN IS A FAKE PRESIDENT and DONALD TRUMP IS COMING BACK SOON! - The promise of unity and a return to normalcy were at the heart of President Biden’s pitch to the American people. It has been an astonishing week in America. On the show, Gage touch's on controversial and polarizing current events. Sen. Ted Cruz asked questions to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey regarding conservative censorship and Twitter "fact-checking" voter fraud. His plan would RAISE taxes on what he CONSIDERS the "WEALTHY" and "CORPORATIONS"... This Is Why Trump WON The Election | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. These days the United States of America are anything but united. Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw. America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN... Get 3 FREE MONTHS and a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - President Donald Trump’s NEW Plan... 57 days after election day in America and with only a week until the Senate counts the votes and certifies the winner. | America Divided, BIDEN'S NEW COMMON SENSE GUN PLAN... President Joe Biden ANNOUNCED his new "COMMON SENSE" GUN PLAN... And it will SHOCK YOU! This is happening all over the country and it's not good for America's democracy. What went wrong and how do we find our way back? At CPAC 2021, PRESIDENT Trump gave his FIRST speech since LEAVING office just 6 WEEKS AGO. Joe Biden's been in the NEWS lately for FALLING three times on AIR FORCE ONE! Texas is urging the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) to hear this case … The death of George Floyd cut the country to its very core, igniting a movement that is difficult to compare. (Can Trump Still Win?) Get 20% OFF Today! For some, this may be the most divisive time in their lives, for others its the same old story. (Here's Why) | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Then he sits down with former CNN bureau chief Frank Sesno, a media veteran himself. What is it? The Climate Crisis Isn’t Coming ... It’s Already Here. Meanwhile, the Trump-Pence administration has finally announced the official COVID-19 vaccine and much more! Share. Learn more about how to protect your sensitive data online at, BARACK OBAMA ARRESTED! Protests from coast-to-coast that have often ended in violence and chaos. | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Despite our country feeling more divided than it has in 50 years, there are still things that tie us together. Hot Podcasts Popular shows today. Trump’s Movement Isn't Going Away ANYTIME Soon Here's Why | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Over the past week, protests have begun to spring up across America, demanding that the economy re-opens. All but SEVEN Republican SENATORS voted to ACQUIT President Trump... Welcome to America 2020. America Divided! Why the Trump campaign is mounting legal challenges in swing states. This would be the BIG WIN Trump needs for re-election... BIG WINS Are Happening For President TRUMP | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Rightly Divided: Millennial Faith in the Face of American Christianity Share RSS ... the same struggles to come to terms with faith in the face of an American brand of Christianity that seemed to put America before Christ. 02:00 Bart with Th 6h. What does it look like? Donald Trump JUST WON The Election, Here’s Why | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. America Divided is sponsored by My Patriot Supply. #fakenews #cnn #trump. 34:30 Bart w Ac Ks. Coronacast. (Trump Could Still WIN) | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. (What Have We Done?) MILLIONS around the WORLD are SPECULATING that "PRESIDENT" Joe Biden will soon RESIGN due to DECLINING mental and physical HEATH issues... Bart w Ac Tc. Since PRESIDENT Donald Trump left OFFICE one MONTH ago, many have WONDERED if TRUMP will RUN for PRESIDENT once AGAIN in 2024... Some say that the Trump campaign needed to separate itself from Powell due to claims she made about the Dominion software company and how they interfered with the election. Curated Podcasts Recommended by media. Georgia votes are being counted. The Company of the Mad: The Stand Podcast urges you to help New York City's first responders of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some, this may be the most divisive time in their lives, for others its the same old story. Why the Trump campaign is mounting legal challenges in swing states. Join our Telegram here, JOE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION SUED! America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN. This podcast follows that struggle and analyzes how we can make things different for my generation and those to come — and why, ultimately, I stayed. Love or Hate? Why the Trump campaign is mounting legal challenges in swing states. All Post podcasts The Post's premier daily podcast, featuring unparalleled reporting, expert insight and clear analysis, every weekday afternoon. . America Divided is sponsored by My Patriot Supply, get 20% OFF Today! Big news for the Trump campaign. America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Joe Biden is being SUED for HALTING oil and gas LEASING which, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL... Democrats? Can the Power of Storytelling Unify a Divided America? image/svg+xml. And how can a country as divided as … - Join our Telegram here, $20 MINIMUM WAGE BIDEN’S NEW PLAN! The MAINSTREAM media is portraying her as a CRAZY far-right CONSPIRACY theorist! Google Podcasts ▸ So we’re inviting other voices in. Dr. Fauci wants the American people to 'Sacrifice Thanksgiving' in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Join our Telegram here, FACEBOOK MOVES TO BAN POLITICS ON ITS PLATFORM! Donald Trump Can't LOSE! 80 days after election day in America and some NEW video has SURFACED from the OFFICIAL White House YouTube channel where you can CLEARY hear XAVIER BECERRA the ATTORNEY GENERAL of California talking about a "PLEA SENTENCE... FOR BIDEN." This is a huge win for the Trump campaign! For some, this may be the most divisive time in their lives, for others its the same old story. Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw. Divided States of America? And why Wall Street likes the sound of gridlock in Washington. Trish Regan: [Music plays] America in turmoil. Post Reports. Sopel's Soapbox. 00:48:41; In this episode of Coronacast I’m back with another solo episode. The media? Mass Grief in a Divided America Listen. They have been partly spurred on by President Trump – but does relaxing social distancing now... – Luister direct op jouw tablet, telefoon of browser naar Is it too soon to re-open America? America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN... Get 3 FREE MONTHS and a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - | 2020 Election Update | America Divided, If Joe Biden Wins The Election This Is What To Expect!, Representative from the Michigan House Cynthia Johnson threatened Trump supporters in a new video on her Facebook page. 199 talking about this. | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. What does it look like? I open up by talking about how voting and taking communion are essentially the same thing. Two weeks after election day in America and many conservatives are turning against FOX NEWS and moving to other services such as NEWSMAX, The Epoch Times, and OAN... Why is that and what's the future looking like for FOX NEWS? HUGE WIN For President Trump’s Re-Election Campaign... 63 days after election day in America and we are less than 24 HOURS AWAY from the BIGGEST election dispute in American history! Former Vice President MIKE PENCE is back in the SPOTLIGHT after releasing an OP-ED criticizing DEMOCRATS for their new PROPOSED election LAWS... The playwright George Bernard Shaw once said that the Britain and America are, ‘two countries divided by a common language’. America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN... Get 3 FREE MONTHS and a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - Donald Trump Can Win Re-Election And Here’s How... 48 days after election day in America and a White House advisor Peter Navarro claims that 379,000 ballots are possibly illegal in Michigan. (Most Likely Not!) 81 days after election day in America and, PRESIDENT Donald Trump OFFICIALLY forms the PATRIOT PARTY a, new MAJOR political party. Get 20% OFF Today! Will Trump CONCEDE? A divided America. Subscribe to American Consequences to keep reading completely FREE, and get access to exclusive articles and our monthly magazine. Over the past few days, we have seen America’s major cities burning. America Divided is sponsored by My Patriot Supply, get 20% OFF Today! Biden's NEW and EXTREME tax PLAN is here! Yours free! America, Divided with Frank Sesno Podcast January 02, 2019. President Donald Trump RESPONDS and SAYS... The show where the topical and partisan issues within America are discussed, using a wide range of sources. America Divided is sponsored by My Patriot Supply, get 20% OFF Today! On this week's World Review from the New Statesman, Emily Tamkin in Washington DC and Jeremy Cliffe in Berlin, are joined by Courtney Fingar, editor of Investment Monitor, and Sommer Mathis, editor of City Monitor, to look at the geographical rifts that have emerged across America in the run-up to next month's election. Trump's legal team filed lawsuits in Nevada because over 40,000 candidates voted twice. Listen to the Trailer Now › As Seen In: We need to broaden our view of what politics is. Learn more about how to protect your sensitive data online at Listen to America Divided in audio form: This could potentially be enough evidence for the SCOTUS to rule in President Donald Trump's favor. The media? Anchor FM ▸, TAYLOR GREENE’S ON TRIAL FOR BELIEVING IN QANON | America Divided, TAYLOR GREENE’S ON TRIAL FOR BELIEVING IN QANON... Marjorie Taylor Greene, a United States Representative, is on TRIAL for BELIEVING in the QANON movement. America – Divided But UnitedThere are many who seek to hear a voice like JFK who once called to the “young at heart regardless of age, “Be strong and of courage, be not afraid, neither be dismayed.” Join US World Report as we examine how far we’ve fallen from that golden moment of 1963 unity. '. If Joe Biden Wins The Election This Is What To Expect! Join our Telegram here, DEMOCRATS ADMITTED PLAN TO OUST TRUMP! Friday 19 March 2021 15:20, UK. What’s next? And of course, we've got puppets. And as an eminent Shakespeare scholar, he looked to Shakespeare to respond to the source of his confusion. As millions of American's want to know what really happened in the 2020 Presidential election. On the show, Gage touch's on controversial and polarizing current events. Embed. The Post's premier daily podcast, featuring unparalleled reporting, expert insight and clear analysis, every weekday afternoon. Trump's FIGHT For Re-Election... 43 days after election day in America and the cowardice Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel is urging his fellow Republicans to stop fighting for President Trump and congratulate "President-Elect" Joe Biden as the official winner of the election. On the show, Gage touch's on controversial and polarizing current events. Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor. Trump's new campaign lawyer Sidney Powell is extremely confident in the case! CNN SPECIAL REPORT: THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA – What Is Tearing Us Apart? Event discussion: Divided politics, divided nation An economic agenda for the forgotten Americans in a divided nation The middle class is becoming race-plural, just like the rest of America President Trump's movement is only growing! This is how President Donald Trump can win... Trump WON The Election NEW Evidence Shows | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. 70 days after election day in America and many are left asking the question, "Where Is Nancy Pelosi?" Donald Trump Can Win Re-Election And Here’s How | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Do you SUPPORT Biden's NEW COVID-19 PLAN? The show where the topical and partisan issues within America are discussed, using a wide range of sources. Welcome to week one of America Divided: The Sin of Division. Join our Telegram here This might be just what the Trump campaign needs to overturn the election results and win re-election. America Divided! Many are concerned with how this could affect Donald Trump's road to re-election. Why you can trust Sky News . 74 days after election day in America and JOE BIDEN'S Presidential Inauguration has been CANCELLED, due to SECURITY THREATS! Explorer Find similar podcasts. And why Wall Street likes the sound of gridlock in Washington. America Divided is a daily conservative podcast hosted by Gage Nelson. Support the show - What does it look like? The Republican Party divided. With over 30,000 National Guard troops deployed in D.C. You're approaching your click limit. Many speculate that the INSURRECTION ACT was SIGNED in secret and the MILITARY is now in CONTROL. Trump's NEW Strategy Could Win Him Re-Election! The vaccine will unite America. This is a huge win for President Donald Trump! NEW Analysis Finds President Trump Won The Election… 56 days after election day in America and, a NEW analysis done in Pennsylvania finds "TROUBLING DISCREPANCIES" in the votes cast. America Divided is a daily conservative podcast hosted by Gage Nelson. (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) | America Divided. Bill Crews chats to former US State Department Appointee Ed Blakely about a divided America. In this episode, Trish, the legendary P.J. Explorer Find similar podcasts. X. Divided States podcast: Protests and rage engulf America. In his new book, Shakespeare in a Divided Amer… The divided states of America Why the Trump campaign is mounting legal challenges in swing states. Lawyer Sidney Powell was recently FIRED from the Trump campaigns legal team according to a statement released by the campaign Sunday evening. Did you miss President Trump? Pocket Casts ▸ In this podcast we investigate how to pick the 20 best, financially strong, high dividend stocks for your portfolio from the 14,500 stocks available in North America. Spotify ▸ What the election reveals about the urban-rural divide. 00:34:55; Dr. Frank Luntz ran his first focus group in 1988 and ever since then he has made it his life’s work to understand how people think and behave. And why Wall Street likes the sound of gridlock in Washington. Join our Telegram here, NANCY PELOSI FENDS OFF INVESTIGATIONS ABOUT CAPITOL RIOTS | America Divided, NANCY PELOSI FENDS OFF INVESTIGATIONS ABOUT CAPITOL RIOTS... Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a lot of UNANSWERED questions about the RIOTS on CAPITOL hill on JANUARY 6th and, many are left to WONDER did Pelosi CONSPIRE against PRESIDENT TRUMP? The examen is a centuries-old prayer practice that helps you find God in your daily life. How to Watch THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA – A Fareed Zakaria Special on CNN. In the inaugural episode of The Faith Angle podcast, Kirsten and Jonathan share how they met and why they believe this kind of conversation is needed now more than ever. Welcome to America 2020. Can we ever find unity? Read more: Trump is mounting several legal battles over votes in key states. | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Four days after election day in the United States many American's are still confused as to if President Donald Trump will get four more years in the White House or rather will former Vice President Joe Biden get a chance... Only on America Divided. 76 days after election day in America and with almost 60,000 NATIONAL GUARD troops in Washington D.C. In terms of political podcasts that statement is certainly true. ... moved to Deuces Cracked and has been producing a weekly poker strategy podcast ever since. In season 2, Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, a physician and former city health commissioner, will keep you updated on what you need to know about COVID-19, what led us to this crisis in the first place, and what policies can lead us out. With less than two weeks to go before election day, many Americans are feeling tense, emotional and divided. Six days after election day in America and many conservatives still wonder if President Donald Trump could win re-election against Democratic opponent Joe Biden. Search. They discuss why America is so divided right now—including a new Pew Research poll—and how conservative evangelicals’ support for Donald Trump has become a point of conversation in American media. Can we ever find unity? Divided States is the American politics podcast from Sky News looking at all the issues that divide the most powerful country on the planet. RadioPublic ▸ 72 days after election day in America and with OVER 20,000 NATIONAL GUARD TROOPS deployed in Washington D.C. Time Magazine REVEALED the DEMOCRATS PLAN to OUST President DONALD TRUMP... Google Podcasts ▸ Listen to the podcast. NEW Trump Campaign Lawsuits COULD Overturn Election Results… 49 days after election day in America and, President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani is launching new legal efforts to overturn the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's decision to ignore President Trump's lawsuits. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo is overly confident that Trump will be transitioning into a second term. Listen to America Divided in audio form: | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. BREAKING: Trump WON The Election NEW Evidence Suggests | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Post Reports. President Donald Trump plans to contest the results in states like Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin which could very well overturn the election results... Who Is The NEXT President of The United States? Join our Telegram here, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN’S WOKE SUPERBOWL COMMERCIAL PULLED BY JEEP | America Divided, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN’S WOKE SUPERBOWL COMMERCIAL PULLED BY JEEP... Nearly one week after Jeep's VERY UNPOPULAR Superbowl commercial AIRED the JEEP company ANNOUNCED that it's PULLING the commercial COMPLETLY... Divided States is the American politics podcast from Sky News looking at all the issues that divide the most powerful country on the planet. America Divided is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Its time to uncover and look deeper into division. Listen Later API Data Discover Real-Time Episodes being played now. | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Join our Telegram here, BIDEN'S NEW COMMON SENSE GUN PLAN! Leaving many to speculate what actually happened? Texas is urging the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) to hear this case and potentially rule in President Donald Trump's favor. Spotify ▸ Useful if you want to create a direct download link, embed in your own player, post from another publishing engine, link to from Patreon, etc. Donald Trump JUST WON The Election, Here’s Why In Texas, they just filed a lawsuit in the SCOTUS suing Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin alleging; that the states wrongfully used COVID-19 as an excuse to allow mail-in voting which, is unconstitutional. Learn more about how to protect your sensitive data online at, DONALD TRUMP FAILED US! Republicans? Black Lives Matter or All Lives Matter? The EMS FDNY HelpFund helps first responders battling medical issues, debilitating injuries, or personal tragedies. | 2020 Election Update | America Divided, Nine days after election day in America and the Trump campaign are calling for mass ballot recounts all over the United States. Divided States podcast: Racism in America - will we see change? 15 days after election day in America and many Americans still wonder if Donald Trump could turn this election into a BIG WIN for the Trump Campaign. Subscribe for More FREE DAILY Conservative Content: Check Out Our NEW Merchandise:, This Is What Trump NEEDS To Do To WIN | 2020 Election Update | America Divided. Shapiro is an eminent Shakespeare scholar, who, like many Americans, has found himself confused and troubled lately by the divisions in our country. Approach this new year in 2021 Twitter and Facebook ) Inauguration has been CANCELLED, due SECURITY! Votes in KEY States York City 's first responders of the Mad: the Divided States of are! Divided by a common language ’ SECURITY THREATS any possibility of the Mad: the STAND podcast you..., there are still things that tie US together of unity and a return to were! 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