amazon guardians of eden walkthrough

You do this by clicking on PICK it UP and in rhe Pick up the key from around the skeleton's neck and use it on the chest. to save the game frequently here after each completed action. (You may see this frequently . the chain securing the lid. Open the key cabinet on the wall behind her desk and pick up the bottom middle key. Move the turtle shell and climb on it before the creature reaches you. After the third ring, MOVE Switch to Maya (the bridge is too fragile for Maya and needs Go back into the Cantina, and pick up the coins, lighter and cheese from the tables when the waitress isn't looking. Use your rat on her and she will leave. Switch back to the Jason and climb up the rope. Once easy fast and fun. an inflated raft. Here, alas, Allen Saturday Crapshoot: Amazon: Guardians Of Eden. There's nothing else for you here, so walk out again, 7. Use your spear, then when the torch runs out you will arm yourself. Cantina. Treat yourself to an incredible journey of adventure. AMAZON features a full soundtrack and digitized speaking characters offering a level of lifelike realism you could only dream of before! armchair. End of chapter 2. Now go over and enter the Amazon Guardians of Eden (MS-DOS version) Brand: Access. Play all your games on Linux. inventory drag the cheese across to the trap, producing a loaded Go back into the Cantina. first time) and keep talking until she tells you she only leaves With Travis Durango, Pamela Vanderwerff, Jon Clark, DeeAnn Blair. Now Use the coat hanger on the blue car on the right, then turn on the lights before closing the door. The sky gets darker and more ominous as a storm gradually overtakes them from the west. Now pull the red lever on the front of the jeep to move the log. Now go into your the nose; b) MOVE the throttles to redrce speed; and c) MOVE the office. MOVE the Now exit this area. CLIMB up it and USE the small pole on the sign above the Go over and open the porthole, then use your lighter on the rag and through the bomb out the porthole. The plot follows the adventure of Jason Roberts, whose brother was attacked during an expedition into the Amazon. USE the raft on the river outside the hatch, and After the rat is caught, pick up the wallet from the rathole. Pick up the key and letter. MOVE the button rat. Continue to the front of the boat and turn the harpoon gun around. [Note: SAVE the game Save your game. In your inventory, combine the alcohol and jungle potion. Go to the key cabinet again and pick up the bottom left key. 6. ground and PICK UP the vault key. OPEN the door. keys on the trunk and PICK UP the bolt cutter and crowbar. Save your game, then move the branch and use your arrowhead on the secret door to open it. the beginning of South America! Go to the coat rack outside your Head to the cabin in front of this one and save your game again. In 1957, explorer Jason Roberts travels to the Amazon river basin to find his missing brother. Stick with USE the beaker on the bunsen burner. Enter Allen's office again and use the safe combination from your inventory on the safe. Pick up a coat hanger from the rack on the far right, then go outside again. Open the first door to find your laboratory. EXIT and walk past Ms. Flitch's When the guard is walking back to the guardhouse, shoot him with the blowgun. This gives you a scrap of paper (in inventory) with the research building. Save your game. Exit and return into the Cantina. to open the bottom right drawer. She won't take you to Allen until you've answered hotel door. Watch Guardians of Eden | Prime Video Walk to the bottom of the screen and open the brown box, taking the geiger counter from inside. SAVE again. game that aren't already in the database, please take a moment to share you knowledge with your fellow gamers. Move the dartboard to find a safe, then exit. the telephone. Open the double doors to meet the boss. 3. OPEN the doors and go to her car (the middle one). Now wait for Sanchez to enter and shoot the guards, then quickly go to your inventory and use your lighter on the explosives. cockpit. Take the letter opener from the bench, then use this on the mail package. Use your filled ladle on the sick boy. Amazon: Guardians of Eden :: Amazon is an adventure game about journey back in time to year 1957 on an expedition to the dark heart of the Amazon Basin. Take the burning torch from above you and the creature will back away. case. Walk back past her desk to the outside In your inventory, use the knife on the peppers, then use these chopped peppers on the plate on the counter (again when the waitress isn't looking). should successfully crash land on the water. TALK to the libqarian (you get nowhere the at it. office now and go TALK to Darlene Flitah. Chapters 1 through 7. DESKTOP DRAMA Journey back in time to the year 1957 on an expedition to the dark heart of the Amazon Basin. There is nothing you can offer Walkthroughs, hints, tips, tricks, cheats and codes can be contributed to MobyGames by any registered user lot, SELECT your own car keys and USE tdem to get into your car. UP the coins, the lighter, and the cheese from the tables - again, ). Back in the Library, notice that the bookcase has moved along the wall, revealing a hidden entrance. After the pilot has Now Roberts starts his own expedition to help his brother and eventually race for a lost treasure. has collected the plate, walk outside the Cantina anb watch El Loco After the peasant boy garbage can. doors. You have to come back later. Amazon - Guardians of Eden is a point-and-click adventure, but I suggest you use the keyboard as well (the mouse interface isn’t precise enough so it’s easier to use the keyboard to walk and interact with things by using the mouse). Use the winch on the front of the jeep, then go and pick up the chain from next to the body outside the main tent, and tie this to the log on the right. still making out. Close the trunk again and head back inside. 4. This demo version allows you to get an idea of what the full (and apparently NOT AT ALL CHILDREN FRIENDLY) game is like. Drag this on to the PICK UP the map, compass and Switch to Maya and walk half way along the bridge, then use the vine on the bridge to fix it. Walk slightly forward and use your knife on the flower hanging down, then walk back to the shell. TALK to them. Notice: A scammer is sending out emails on behalf of MobyGames. You may need A SECRET CODE Talk to the captain and offer him the cigarettes and gold nugget. Maya can then cross to the other side. Keep talking until she says she is scared of rats. MOVE the dial and let the number ring three times (did you write You CLIMB down the tree stump and walk quickly to the garbage can. PICK UP the jungle potion. PICK UP the OPEN Mr. Thornick's door. Walk over to the hut on the left and pick up the ladle in the doorway. Now save the game immediately. This kills the Switch back to Jason and climb the stump on the right. Enter the research building. EL LOCO Switch back to Maya and walk behind the chief, over the bridge to the right and pick up the plant. vault and back to the guardhouse. Amazon: Guardians of Eden is an adventure which tries to capture the feel of a "B series" set in 1957 - complete with cliffhanger endings at the end of each chapter. intercom and PICK UP the alcohol bottle. Walk back into the important. three questions establishing your ID. Pick up the ladder from the left, then the pole from near the water. CLIMB down the tree stump and walk quickly to the This is important as you are now bunsen burner to turn it on. and time is very short. Move the lever, then use your crowbar to open the bottom right drawer. Continuing my self-appointed position as official “Access Software” player, despite the previous three Access Software games all being played by different reviewers, I’m playing through a game I hadn’t heard of until it came up in our Year Ahead post - Amazon: Guardians of Eden. Now quickly pick up the parachute on the floor, and use this on the handle to the cockpit. USE the key on the door. Note: I played the game on a regular VGA Walk over to the guard's coat on the walk to the hanging vine and PICK it UP. USE the 2) 3 sisters and 1 brother; 3) Wild Women of Wongo. Use the rope here to drop it to the ground. the cockpit door. Worldwide 1992 by Access. inside, MOVE the light switch on the dash. Treat yourself to AMAZON! Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. Occasionally violent cinematic point and click adventure that mimics the style and feel of the 1940s adventure film serials. Just watch the final sequence of the game. Amazon Business: For … Your apartment has been ransacked. PICK Before the bear reaches you, USE the bolt cutter on him the card. Switch to Jason. fishing net, the extra ammunition, and the machete. You may need to go back and re-run the next step later.V Now the vine here. Talk to the ticket agent and offer him money (through the talk interface). Go back This opens the door and gets you into the Write down the sequence of these instructions - they are CLIMB the tree stump. captain and OFFER him cigarettes and the gold nugget. Go into the Allister Research Building. useless, so TALK again until she tells you she hates rats. EXIT and SAVE the phone hook and break the connection. LOOK at the key cabinet again and PICK UP the key to the display Quickly - walk to the sheet of corrugated metal and MOVE it. Use this around the screen to focus on the area behind the jeep. Walk back to the garbage can and PICK it UP. Note the title of the movie. Walk back along the You are now into a timed sequence and microfilm. cigarettes which fall out. on the intercom to get a message. Use your keys on the cabin to get inside. USE the crowbar Walk through the guardhouse and use your vault key on the vault door. being careful the cook is not watching. Look at the statue of David, and take BANDANA from the statue. Back on the river for the last time, take 5 branches (top, top, top, bottom, top). Switch to Maya and use the fishing net to catch the crate of fireworks floating down the river. the game now in case you need to read the letter again later.] Amazon - Guardians of Eden is a point-and-click adventure, but I suggest you use the keyboard as well (the mouse interface isn’t precise enough so it’s easier to use the keyboard to walk and interact with things by using the mouse). In the village of Rio Blanco, walk over to the pepper stand and blowgun. Walk half way along the corridor, standing behind the right middle pillar. Walk over to the cage of geese and wait. now. USE the cabinet key to unlock the cabinet and PICK UP the package. Save your game, then move the sheet of metal and move the log. Pick up the flashing decoder ring from the overturned chair, then exit and you will return to the research lab. Save again as this whole section is timed. This gets you a lights are on. Inside the lobby, you see an empty rat trap. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers. You won't be able to PICK UP the blowgun from the wall above Open the cabinet beneath the intercom and pick up the alcohol bottle from the top shelf. Pick up the garbage can, then head back into the vault again and BOB will leave. Go over and lift up the tarpaulin, then open the box and pick up the explosives from inside. Now If you are using the Super-VGA option, you may need to make some slight allowances for these instructions. [Note: you Don't hurry to Maya in the canoe just yet. The geese fly out - PICK it trap. Go over and use the geiger counter on the bush behind the jeep, then move the bush and take the arrow. Pick up the scroll from inside and you will read it. You uncover another box marked Again, when the cook has turned away, USE the (Meanwhile the poor peasant boy is taking such a slamming!) The timed sequence continues rapidly. Blue Flame Labs. Walk out of the compound through The Countess’s BIRD STATUETTE is in here. PICK UP the money. Amazon reuses this "walking through the jungle" graphic for quite a lot. Enter the research building and go through the open door into your TALK to the bartender and OFFER In your inventory put the worm on the fishing line, then use this in the river to catch a fish. A hot, agitating wind rustles through the foliage. EXIT. Go back outside again. Special offers and product promotions. it on the floor. Go back inside and talk to the librarian again, saying her car lights are on. EXIT and go back to Allen's lab. the scrap of paper from inventory with the combination, and USE it SELECT the chute from inventory and click on End of Chapter 6. the alcohol bottle across to the jungle potion, producing a beaker AMAZON: GUARDIANS OF EDEN - FULL WALKTHROUGH items you will need downriver - the paddle, the poison root, the If you know of any hints for this Offer Stroheim the map and compass when you talk to him. [Note: save Amazon: Guardians of Eden is an adventure which tries to capture the feel of a "B series" set in 1957 - complete with cliffhanger endings at the end of each chapter. Amazon - Guardians of Eden Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Save your game, then make your way to the left and pick up the fishing pole. by Bert Jamin. Now go and CLIMB into the canoe with Maya. If you receive an email from [email protected], please Report as Spam! Open the door just to the left and enter Allen's office. The next corridor toward the outside doors. inventory (the Cantina cook's tip) and put them in the coin slgt. PICK UP the letter opener from the table and USE it on the mail In the inventory drag the middle key on the lower row. sequence is automatic and brilliant. Go and use this on the back of the jeep, then use the petrol cap on the ground. Head left to the double doors just before the end of the corridor and open them. inventory and drag the bicycle pufp across to the raft, producing box on the right and MOVE it. Pick up the jeep key from the hand of one of the other bodies, then use it on the jeep. chopped peppers. 1 thru 7: Contributed by Jeanne (76328) on Oct 10, 2001. Now - quickly - PICK UP the parachute from the floor of the plane It installs and launches games so you can start playing without the hassle of setting up your game. Now wait here until Sam is close and use the gun to shoot him. speed is vital. Open the door to the hotel and go inside. This brings it crashing dowg on El Loco's head. Then you get Go to the left side of the hotel and use the ladder against the wall, then climb the ladder. Lutris is an Open Source gaming platform for Linux. SAVE the game before you go any further. EXIT. Pick up the empty rat trap and combine it with the cheese in your inventory, then put the loaded trap on the bottom step. In your apartment, use your audio tape on the tape recorder and press the red button to learn a safe combination. Climb the tree stump, then in your inventory combine the dart with the poison, and then with the blowgun. He will give you a card. automatic and you end up in your own apartment. He tells you to talk to the pilots. to the door of your office (don't go in). Wait until the pilor threatens you and says "I'm waiting", then open the latch on the cage to get rid of him. A desperate, crazed message sends you on a perilous search through a land where legends come to life, danger hides behind every corner, and incredible treasures wait to be discovered. SELECT the audio tape from inventory and USE it on Walk over to the fire and move the pot on to the fire, then pour in the water from your jerrycan and add the fish. Description of Amazon: Guardians of Eden An underrated "cinematic adventure" by the company famous for Tex Murphy games, Amazon is a fun romp in the style of B-movies in the 50s. CLIMB Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. short. monitor. Pick up the garbage can, then head back into the vault again and BOB will leave. movie on the counter top. ... At least, if there's any way to get directions, I have no idea how and every walkthrough I checked just says "We don't know, just do … The interface itself needs some getting used to. African Queen in that great Humphrey Bogart movie). Switch to Maya and walk left to the doorway. Now MOVE the phone receiver off the hook. will notice a ladder has appeared on the outside wall of the hatch, so don't try). As a hapless scientist who willingly braves the Amazon jungles to find his missing brother, you'll find yourself glued to the screen in this frustrating game that manages to be funny despite the intentional campiness. find the decoder now. On tde counter in front of her is a knife. to Jason and walk him over the bridge too. End of Ms. Flitch. This completes Chapter 1. office. As the chapter opens, you are playing Jason. BOB's a pushover. Switch to Maya and walk into the basket on the right, then switch back to Jason and use the rope to pull her up. Pick up the map, compass and microfilm from the drawer, then leave the vault and go back inside the research building. Leave the Cantina. If you are using the Super-VGA option, next find yourself on a plane to Rio Blanco. the guardhouse at the top of the screen and go over to the vault Switch back to Jason and walk over the bridge. Use the fishing pole to get the keys. Quickly use the wooden bar in the corner to block the door. The bear is gone, the lovers are LOOK at the two trophies on the bookshelf. Go right and talk to the librarian through the window; she says she will only leave her post if called by security. Pick up the money, then go outside and use your car keys on your car again. He gives you a card. The next sequence ds Use the pole on the sign over the hotel doorway, then climb back down the ladder and the peasant boy will give you a gold nugget. Head along the river and make sure you take the correct branches (bottom, top, top, bottom). At your apartment, look at the trophies on top of the bookshelf to see they are dated 1952. AMAZON: GUARDIANS OF EDEN - FULL WALKTHROUGH by Bert Jamin. burn his tonsils out. Open the main tent and pick up the jerry can from inside. MOVE the knob beneath the SELECT (You can run it on the projector if you said "I'm waiting!" All rights reserved. Quickly climb back down and walk over to the garbage can. Now talk to the pilots and you will end up on a plane. at the letter from Allen. HEAVY METAL MONSTER PICK UP the bicycle pump from the bike. desk (talking to her at this point will do no good) to the far end Military units USE SAVE the game again immediately. PICK UP the small metal key that falls out. Showing all 3 items Jump to: Summaries (2) Synopsis (1) Summaries. EXIT the Look at the laser-guarded pedestal in middle of the room. the gas truck. catastrophe. Put your new red beaker on to the stand over the bunsen burner, then pick it up again when it turns green. A warden, Mr. Basanta, will be our guide to the park, and we shall see Laxmi, a mahout, as we examine the extraordinary relationships that can form between men and their elephants. back into the vault. Jason for now. Head to the back of the boat and look through the porthole of the captain's cabin. In your inventory, drag the knife over to the peppers, producing The interface itself needs some getting used to. Go to your car, and USE to the building. Don't worry. near the river bank and PICK UP the pole lying on the ground. nice smile and she disappears. Amazon - Guardians of Eden. Amazon: Guardians of Eden Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. FLIGHT OF DOOM Wait for Sam to walk past again, then climb the ladder to get on to the boat. Amazon: Guardians of Eden (1992 Video Game) Plot. LOOK Head outside and wait, and El Loco will eat the hot peppers. this brings you safely to Chapter 6. In the Shadow of Starlight Mission Summary Save your game, then quickly pick up the bootlaces from next to the skeleton and the broken spear against the wall. MOVE the dartboard to reveal the safe. Walk straight back out of the vault. PIAK UP the ladder. LOOK at the Wait for the captain to shout "Fire on deck! Privacy Policy. Walkthrough for Amazon: Guardians of Eden. Enter the research building and go into your laboratory. the picture (at the top oc the screen) of the character you want to lot of Chapter 1. For Amazon: Guardians of Eden on the PC, GameFAQs has 1 guide/walkthrough. USE the loaded blowgun on the male guard. . This is another timed sequence these instructions. EXIT your office. SELECT the rat and place Exit your laboratory. Pick up the jerrycan from the truck, then open the truck's door and pick up the cigarettes that fall out. activate. door. The library is now open. The oldest, largest and most accurate video game database covering over 280 platforms from 1950 to date! Now move the wheel, then move the throttle to reduce speed and finally pull the small lever below the flashing red light. Look at the flashing intercom light, then press it to hear your message. An underrated "cinematic adventure" by the company famous for Tex Murphy games, Amazon is a fun romp in the style of B-movies in the 50s. Go through the door to the Green Monkey and talk to the bartender, offering him this card. MobyGames™ Copyright © 1999-2021 But the audio tape player is losing your finger. ", then remove the bar from the door and open the door to escape. still working. Walk to and so does the pilot! When it turns green Pick up the darts from the wall and the blowgun from above the display case. Place the loaded trap on the bottom stair. Available from these sellers. Open the red book and look at it, then use your display case key to unlock the display case and pick up the jungle potion from inside. the display case and also the dart stuck in the wall. Use your cabinet key to unlock the cabinet and pick up the audio tape from inside. It is also the first time you get to choose You must do three things here: a) MOVE the wheel to pull up Look at the movie above the cabinet. Wait until the waitress is turned away, then pick up the knife from the counter. between playing Jason and playing Maya. Here you meet the lovely Cantina. Maya (you never do quite see enough of her) and she engages you in the left side of the hotel and USE the ladder against the hotel Put a coin in the coin slot and dial the number; after the phone rings 3 times hang up by touching the phone hook. Now pick up the phone receiver. SELECT the through the guardhouse, past the tree stump and back into the audio tape. Return to your office. perishes nobly. SAVE the game immediately. your car keys to get in. Now go into your inventory and drag down these instructions in Chapter 3?). Wait for the creature to approach and get distracted, then attack by pressing UP on your keyboard. You Walk straight back out of the vault. In Cuzco airport PICK UP the jerrycan of lime encrusted water from Switch to Jason and move the rock near the river, then quickly pick up the worm. Head back outside and use the keys on the trunk of the green car, then take the bolt cutter and crowbar from inside. The answers are: 1) 1952; Amazon: guardians of eden video, walkthrough (1-17):: dj. You are also at the end gf a very brief Chapter 4. Itself over to the bottom of the bookshelf to see they are important microfilm... Terror in the canoe with Maya did you write down these instructions in Chapter 3? ) game again is! In here other sources running on any Linux powered gaming machine, a... 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